Reviews for Handmaiden
knockmeoffmyfeet chapter 1 . 6/27/2022
Hi, I'm from a fast-growing online reading platform. Currently, we are looking for new authors to join us. Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
Shamousan chapter 8 . 12/22/2021
I've been getting all the chapters and i still love this story so much! I'm so happy you were able to do this!
Ardina Falconhurst chapter 8 . 12/21/2021
Oh man! I followed you over to tapas awhile back, but stopped after you had paused to finished up another story. I guess I never got the notifications that you started back up again! And now I'm so behind :D I'll have to hurry and read thru over the holidays. I was so excited to see the notification here though...saw Handmaiden and was like OMFG! THE story!
AvegaLil chapter 1 . 5/4/2021
This book has me all kinds of worked up. If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to or
Faithful Fan chapter 7 . 5/5/2020
Can you give us one last update here when/if the story is finished on Tapas? I don't mind buying the whole thing at once, but that's not an app that I'll keep for more than this story only. :3
Lili chapter 7 . 4/24/2020
I really appreciate it that you will put handmaiden for free in tapas, despite your effort and time, it really is awesome , lots of writers when change site won't do it, Thank you very much, I hope the best happen for you.
hehehehah chapter 7 . 3/16/2020
I was so happy when I saw an alert in my email! I had (kind of) given up on continuing so I am super thrilled to see some movement with this fic again. Will be going over to Tapas to check it out!
Kookiemonster chapter 7 . 3/14/2020
I've long since lost access to my fiction press account (for some reason I can't use fanfiction to get in anymore and I never actually made a separate account ️), but I always wondered what happened to this story. It is SO awesome that you are able to transition to Tapas and have started earning money from your work after all of these years. I can't wait to head to Tapas and take a peek at what you've been up to and how you have edited this story.
Again, I'm so happy for you!
Stay happy, stay healthy!
From one of your many old fans 3
Guest chapter 6 . 3/14/2020
Hey there! I love love love this story and you are so talented! I have to say though I went over to tapas to see what you had posted but not only was there as much advertising as on fictionpress, there were whole words and sometimes full phrases cut out! Nearly every 13 chapters had something missing somewhere. I don’t know if that was intentional but if I hadn’t just recently reread the story here.

Just a little heads up, if it were me I would want to know. You have a wonderful talent and I adore this story. I’ll continue to read wherever you post. :)
JadedLaws chapter 6 . 3/13/2020
I remember coming across this when you uploaded chapter 1! :O I guess I'll just have to download Tapas to see how the story ends. Can't wait to see how your writing has developed
infinite101 chapter 32 . 3/12/2020
Thank you so much for the update!
I'm so happy to see this hasn't been abandoned, I fell in love with this story and The Lotus and The Loon when I first started reading them all those years ago and still check my inbox in the hope that an update will come through.

I can't wait to see how Artemis and Eden's journey's continue. Your writing style is beautiful and I often find myself searching GoodReads for my next fantasy/adventure novel hoping they'll be even a fraction as good Handmaiden and TLaTL - alas I often find myself disappointed and end up abandoning them when they just dont compare!

I was wondering will you also be updating TLaTL on Tapas too?

Thank you for not charging for the chapters on Tapas, I'd happily pay to read your work and would love to see them one day In print on my bookshelf but have found that chapter by chapter stories can add up so quickly and sometimes as a buyer they're not financially sustainable :'(

I hope one day to purchase the full book however and cant wait to read more of your work!

I have to say ever since reading Handmaiden Dragon stories have now made it onto my search list! Going off on a tangent slightly but if you have any fantasy novel recommendations I'd love to check them out.

Wishing you all the very best
Guest chapter 32 . 3/11/2020
This is totally fine but WHAT WILL YOUR USERNAME BE?! Please share - I downloaded the app when you originally said you were moving to it and couldn't find you under your current name - please share when you have time!
deets1 chapter 32 . 3/11/2020

I saw the update on this but didn’t remember it so I just blitzed through the whole thing and I *love* it so much. As soon as I saw your last updates just now I followed that shit on tapas so fast—I’m so excited.

I look forward to reading through the chapters again. Maybe later because I’m all caught up in the spirit of the most recent chapters now LOL. Dying. Am dying. I love this so much.

Okay lol just wanted to let you know. See you on tapas! My name there is Tloak if we cross paths.

Ardina Falconhurst chapter 32 . 3/11/2020
Yay! I'm so excited to hear about this :) I saw the email come in and was like Could it be?! Yay! I'm so glad we'll still get to see it and more, and that you're keeping it free to read. A lot of authors don't do that when they switch to another site, so thank you. I look forward to rereading the story and seeing how it goes. Keep up the great work and stay awesome!
Smile chapter 31 . 1/2/2020
Hello, I don't know if you ever read this or not,
This story is amazing as the writing is amazing too, it's puzzle that when the reader thinks"wow, I figured it out" , the reader would hear the mischievous chuckle of the writer that "wait to see" and Tada we will be tossed in another maze and puzzle, it's really intriguing,

Well in the note you said you will be writing on Tapas, well I have not access to this site in my country unfortunately,

I was hoping maybe you would update here,but don't know

Are continuing this awesome story?

I would be happy to hear from you if by any chance you would read this,

My Gmail: shinelilac3 at Gmail dot com

and also English is not my first language so I apologize for my mistakes,

With best wishes,

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