Reviews for Beyond the Fence
ZenaraTheDragon chapter 5 . 4/17/2013
Oh. What? Over?
Well. Really well written, DRAGONS (always a plus) but it wnded on a kind-of cliffhanger? What is wrong with you!
Like it anyways.
ZenaraTheDragon chapter 4 . 4/17/2013
Oh boy. Awkward conversations, there...
This last part was good, in how you skipped from waking to waking between the knockout shots.
ZenaraTheDragon chapter 2 . 4/17/2013
Yay. I saw the summary, and I was like DRAGONS. MUST READ.
I like this story, it's well written, and the characters kind of remind me of my own friends.
And if a review's going to make you that happy... Well, I feel obliged!
Lolitroy chapter 2 . 4/10/2013
I hardly knew what was going on. If this is supposed to be funny, it isn't. Really. It's just a mess. And kind of absurd too.

Now to the good side, eh, well, I guess it has to have one.
TorgoTheWhite chapter 1 . 4/9/2013
Not bad for a first effort. There are parts where a semicolon or two would come in handy.
DeltaPlus chapter 2 . 3/22/2013
I'll try to be as nice as possible . In the first chapter I had a difficult time knowing exactly whats going on and why. Like the party for instance it said that her dad didn't want her to go but thus far we haven't seen any consequences of that...yet

Also in the first chapter there is some foreshadowing in a lab. While its connected to the plot by way of her dad it seems like it could use a little more to it so we know just what exactly is going on and how the dad's involved.

The pacing is okay but it seems like the school scene had no other purpose than to show her getting sick with the coming on of the transformation

But now that she's actually a dragon it looks like the story can go somewhere now.

Hope this has helped,
