Reviews for Toxic Butterflies
SuddenlySunday chapter 9 . 1/5/2015
The aftermath is bittersweet, but it good. It kind of goes with that saying 'this may not be the best ending, but it's the right one.' It definitely applies here.
SuddenlySunday chapter 8 . 1/5/2015
Man, this was the great ending that I wanted. Kosei got what he deserved and Kazuza was blood bathed and axe bound, just like the crazy bitch I imagined her as. Her falling into that bathtub of blood was awesome, andI love the nod to Edgar Allen Poe in this chapter. Awesome job!
SuddenlySunday chapter 7 . 1/5/2015
Oh man, I think it's finally Kosei's turn to be dismembered. Suroriya is finally going to get her revenge.
SuddenlySunday chapter 6 . 1/5/2015
This just keeps getting darker and darker. Using blood to make white flowers turn red is just an amazing and creepy concept. Suroriya actually scares me as a villain and few bad guys really put that kind of impact on me. That woman is terrifying.
SuddenlySunday chapter 5 . 1/5/2015
So that was a dream caused by the tea hallucinogen? Well thank god, because that is frightening. Poor Prada, she really went off the deep end, and she ended up killing her friend. That's really sad, and when she comes down off of her high then she's going to feel just awful.
SuddenlySunday chapter 4 . 1/5/2015 This chapter actually made me feel queasy. Did she really make her friends eat that girl? That's just awful and I don't even know how to feel about that. The torture scene was graphic, detailed and it made me feel something. It worked on my emotions in many different ways, and something that can do that deserves all of my compliments.
SuddenlySunday chapter 3 . 1/5/2015
So everyone is suspecting Suroriya now. I have this feeling that their new neighbor is going to end up being the death of them, in several ways.
SuddenlySunday chapter 2 . 1/5/2015
Aze is really creepy, and she did something equally creepy. Suroriya isn't in the wrong to want to kill her or Kosei in all honesty. Aze's death made me cringe with the umbrella thing. I actually can't get it out of my head. Jut...holy shit that's hardcore.
SuddenlySunday chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
I've heard this referred to as the best gore story in the manga section. Now I want to see what all of the hype is about. So far, this little entry makes me curious. It sounds like the typical revenge-based story, but I have a feeling it'll be so much more than that.
Tragedy of Light and Dark II chapter 9 . 1/3/2015
This little entry sums up everything. This is indeed the best horror story I've read. Awesome job.
Tragedy of Light and Dark II chapter 8 . 1/3/2015
Man this ending was the best resolution for this story. It was bloody, gory, expressed Kazuza's true insanity and climatic. Even if this is a short read, it's worth the read and it deserves all of it's reviews. This was just amazing in the most horrifying way. Probably my second favorite story you've written on here.
Tragedy of Light and Dark II chapter 7 . 1/3/2015
This chapter was short but it has some interesting moments in it. I love how Suroriya had an alternate name and managed to infiltrate the house, killing everyone or making them kill each other. This is going to be one wild ending now that she's face to face with Kosei.
Tragedy of Light and Dark II chapter 6 . 1/3/2015
Holy cow, this chapter was darkly symbolic and I am still stunned by all of the gore that I keep reading. I think this is the best gorefic I've ever read and it puts creepypastas to shame.
Tragedy of Light and Dark II chapter 5 . 1/3/2015
Holy cow, this just turned into a gorefest of murder. It was utilized in a good way, however. Unlike a lot of gore, this actually has a storyline for it and the gore has deep, twisted meaning and it isn't just thrown in there just to be thrown in there. I love that about this story.
Tragedy of Light and Dark II chapter 4 . 1/3/2015
Oh my god. This chapter actually kind of made me feel sick and it was the darkest thing I've ever read from you and that is saying a lot. I now know why you gave me the warning and why this is rated the way it is. This is really good in an awful sort of way. Detailed and symbolic and overall just sinister. It was moreso than Psychopath and that story was pretty dark.
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