Reviews for The Importance of Becoming a Narcissist
Amy Pond chapter 2 . 7/5/2014
Oh my god that was so confusing for the first few minutes of reading this I thought it was from April's point of view! I was so confused! Ugh, well now I get that it was Leo! xD
Hypa To Hell And Back chapter 3 . 7/4/2014
A mediocre chapter, but still intriguing. Especially the conversation with Torturedpoet. All in all I'm really excited about it and very interested in knowing who it is. i have my ideas but you never know what is right unless you are the author. But on, the down side. The conversation was a little confusing. In parts you couldn't tell what was the message writing and story writing so maybe put the messages in italic. would make it easier. good job though. keep going.
Hypa To Hell And Back chapter 2 . 7/4/2014
Well, all I can really say with out turning in to an utter fan girl is that I absolutely love Leo. It's one of those screaming moment I think. Again your writing is great. Your vocab is awesome. It so nice to see writer who knows how to use a dictionary. Writing can get so boring when its all the same standards of language but yours is great.
You have certainly me addicted.
Hypa To Hell And Back chapter 1 . 7/4/2014
So, I admit, I was a little sceptical about this when I read the summery but I gave it a shot and I actually quite like it.
I mean take April's and Leo's relationship. You say they can't stand to be in the same room as each other and in this story I actually believe it. You have captured the viciousness behind their feud and I really like it. Their banter makes me giggle.
You have missed a word out some where in the middle of the April and Leos conversation but I can't seem to find it now.
I have been officially hooked. :)
Guest chapter 2 . 12/30/2013
Pretty interesting concept! I love cliches involving love-hate relationships, so I wonder how the story will pan out once the magical elements are added.

There are a few typos:
"A middle [school] aged girl..."
"Sam was just as trashy and her mother." You should use 'as.'

Also, you should mention that this is told from Leo's POV. Maybe it was just me, but I didn't notice it was from his POV until the character referred to himself as a guy, haha. So, I kept on wondering who was this "Little-Miss-No-Life."
carlalegre chapter 1 . 12/30/2013
"You want me [to] direct?"
"…grab a bite to eat this weekend and know to [know] each other better?"
Missing words. Not a big deal and I know it sometimes happens because the site's format messes it up. Just putting it out there :)

Anyways, I love the concept of this. Your writing is raw and honest and it really helps to capture the uniqueness of your character. The dynamic between April and Leo is very interesting, to say the least. The back-and-forth banter was really cute, lol. I'll definitely be reading more :)

I'd really love it if you could review my story, After Life, in return? I'd appreciate it.
DaughterofAthena chapter 1 . 4/2/2013
At first I was afraid this was going to be really cliche (and lets face it, it might still be most romance is haha) but I actually am not sure where you're going with it! which I love :) So update update update! :D
litlelosttgirl chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
Good! Can't wait for more!
DrippingRubies chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
I like the idea of the story and I can't wait to see were the plot goes. Hope you update soon.