Reviews for Resistance
Karunjaal chapter 5 . 7/25/2016
This was a really sweet short story. There was something very mundane about it, as in it really felt like it could be about an individual's life while still maintaining a genre of historical fiction. And its not just stereotypes of what war mercenaries/soldiers would experience or how they'd act, but rather it used those concepts to weave a unique story. Not sure why that's important of me to note or if that was just obvious to all your readers, but either way, you wrote and executed this very well. I really did enjoy this story! Set a tear to my eye, it did.
InsanityAndBeyond chapter 5 . 6/11/2014
gahh just brilliant. I loved everything, I can't even write a proper review.
Disney Is Hardcore chapter 5 . 6/28/2013
You managed to fit an entire full length story into five chapters by only putting in the important parts. I liked it. Ash is such a bleeding heart...for a merc anyway.
PervEcToy chapter 5 . 6/9/2013
That's what I call love.
xfffxfxfx chapter 5 . 5/26/2013
Another story's end.


I don't have much interesting things to say. My criticisms from before still apply, but I don't think it matters so much.

Yes... maybe you'll write something else soon.
Catkac chapter 5 . 5/20/2013
I don't like mercenaries too much. Or the way people talked in this story. Or the very masculine narrator/ MC.


I liked how the guy didn't dramatize - which I say would sound vastly OOC. And how a bath boy toughened up - the guy's bullet wound through the jaw is chill-inducing.

All in all, not one of my favourites, but was definitely worth the read.
angielala32 chapter 5 . 5/19/2013
I loved this! Glad I followed it. I like that this took place over a long period of time and that they've both changed so much, but they still make each other happy.
Good balance between the hardships of war and just the seriousness of it all, and the light hearted fluff and love conquers all bit.
xfffxfxfx chapter 4 . 5/10/2013
Sorry for the last review I left - it was really standoffish, in retrospect. I was really tired when I wrote it, if that's anything.

There's nothing wrong with being a sentimental melodrama... what I mean is that, the story is organized around making the moments (like the recognition of the lovers, as a great example) dramatically heightened. The world and most of the characters are just there to make the moments stand out.

My issue with it is that that's all it seems to be. There's only a war so that Ash can look badass prowling around it. A farmer shows up only to look pathetic - or not pathetic - but is only a piece of scenery either way. It makes Ash harder to take seriously, which is why I get annoyed by his poses, because it looks like the story is indulging in them rather than requiring them.

But, I think, many of your best stories come from this same technique. It seems like most of your stories are built around moments of poignant recognition... points of archetypal, mythical importance. I think archetype and stereotype can sometimes look very similar.

So... you are just doing what you do. I respect that. I guess I just wish that the world were given a bit more compassion... in the sense that... the farmer and his two daughters were given the kind of thought that shows that they are more than just bits of scenery. Or, maybe in another direction, are very powerful, representative bits of scenery.

Well, I don't know if this review is very good. I'm always afraid of being hurtful, on the one hand, or unhelpful, on the other. Oh anxiety! But you are a smart person who will see what I'm saying in the muddle of my words.
SerialXLain chapter 4 . 5/7/2013
I liked: I once felt his fingers on my face but when I opened my eyes to see pale moonlight filtering through the trees I was alone, my lover's ghost flitting away once more.

The part with the little girl was sweet and brief. I also appreciated the monk.

And I enjoy the setting this is in as well. :)
SerialXLain chapter 2 . 5/2/2013
"almost silent as the dead as we navigated in the dark" Nice line. I liked the paragraph too with the kid crying but probably not even realizing it.

"I don't sleep much anymore." That one sentence was really telling too about how he feels even if he comes off as strong/cold. He's still being affected by what's happening.

"when I abruptly gained wings" Interesting/pleasing choice of words. I'd think of something light and airy - angelic almost when wings are mentioned, but the contrast of what's actually happening was a cool touch.
xfffxfxfx chapter 3 . 4/27/2013
Hey, it's me. Nice story. It held me.

I hope you realize that you're writing a sentimental Victorian melodrama.

I find Ash's Byronic poses a little tiresome.

The sequences of vignettes were well done, illustrating his various adventures. It gave me a real sense of time passing, without all the words that might usually take.

Yup. I'll keep reading when you update.
llll.The Fallen.llll chapter 3 . 4/26/2013
Wow, this was a great read! I have read some of your stories and every time I start on one of them I get hooked. I really like this story because of the war content and the way it conflicts with the (hopefully potential) love story between Grayson and Ash? Anyway, it has this dark and eerie, yet warm and innocent feel to it. Great job, and I cannot wait to read some more! Keep 'em coming. :D The chapters I mean ;3
Guest chapter 3 . 4/25/2013
aw, hope things get better...
Teh Angst Master chapter 2 . 4/24/2013
Nnnnn, love your shit s'much, so good, never stop.
Your Drama LLama chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
I can't believe I haven't read and reviewed this fucking awesome as shit story yet. Dafuq is my problem? I'm so spoiled, I get all of this way in advance.
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