Reviews for Uncertainty
zagato chapter 30 . 1/8/2019
Thank you for your lovely story!
zagato chapter 20 . 1/8/2019
The compass reminded me of Dumbledore's deluminator.
Thank you.
zagato chapter 19 . 1/8/2019
This is great, no werewolves, kindly update, thank you!
zagato chapter 5 . 1/8/2019
I'm waiting for more clues to know if Esra is a werewolf. Maybe not. Thanks.
Skye Blue Meadows chapter 30 . 10/17/2018
I just got done reading the epilogue and anted to tell you I liked it. thank you so much for sharing your story with us I look forward to reading more books from you in the future
shinju asuka chapter 29 . 10/1/2018
Aah... so happy you added the epilogue about their new life. The ending scene is soo touching. I will take that it would be good between Helen and her family :')
shinju asuka chapter 28 . 3/27/2017
Hmm... If you simply said "funeral and wedding in one chapter", then yeah it's kind of ironic. But you did well writing it :) The flow is nice. I love how Esra described the emptiness after his mom passed away, but he decided to move forward. Also oh i loove Helen! Glad she didn't shy away and told him that she wanted to be his wife!
I think this chapter also painted about whatever kindness you did will come back to you. No way they could've prepared their wedding and moving out by themselves.
Lovely chapters! So happy to have 2 new chapters!
shinju asuka chapter 27 . 3/27/2017
Ooh... The time has come, hasn't it? :(
shinju asuka chapter 26 . 1/9/2017
Aww... Yay! I'm happy for them :')
It's sweet of him taking her to fancy dinner. But Helen being Helen :D
Happy new year!
shinju asuka chapter 25 . 12/17/2016
Glad that Helen and Rick had some talk here. So glad that Esra started to care for her again :)
shinju asuka chapter 24 . 12/11/2016
Thank you for writing this! This is beautiful. I think all themes have their own readers. So please keep writing whatever you want! I do hope more people reading this :)
I think this chapter is really fuzzy and warm (probably it doesn't make sense, but that's what i felt when reading this :D). So happy that Helen kinda bonded Esra's mother. His compliment... I hope he meant in affection *sigh*
shinju asuka chapter 23 . 11/8/2016
Poor him :( Must be very hard situation for him. I hope he would take her offer. This is so sad :(
shinju asuka chapter 22 . 10/17/2016
This is the time for her to fight for him. I hope she wouldn't give up.
Du chapter 21 . 10/16/2016
This is so heart-wrenchingly sad. If he even closed the store - it must be his mother. And I feel so much for Esra. I am very happy that he isn't simply accepting Helen back without a fight, that would've been desperate on his part, and somewhat unrealistic. I feel bad fot Helen, but perhaps this will help her grow - she has spent too much time running away from the consequences of her actions, so it's good that Esra is treating her as if he wanted nothing to do with her (even if his kindness and love for her make him want to take care of her, regardless of the pain she put him through).
I can't wait to ser how this develops. I honestly have no idea what would be the best approach to the situation, so I'm looking forward to reading your take on it.
shinju asuka chapter 21 . 10/16/2016
Noooo... Aargh what had happened to him? Something horrible had happened, hadn't it? I think it's related to his mom, but something else must had happened... My... :( Poor them... Happiness wasn't gained easily for both of them :'(
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