Reviews for Less Than A Hundred Days of Summer
Shadowswept chapter 52 . 12/30/2013
Yes, finally! They are happy together, and I'm so happy for them. I like how you kept the characters consistent in their personalities. Giselle is still impatient and impulsive. She made me laugh with her contradictory thoughts of planning to refuse his advances, yet wanting him to jump her. Her success in her career has made her more confident, even though a few doubts crept in at first. Tae Soo is just as classy and thoughtful as he always was. Even though he knew he could, he didn't just seduce her without trying to explain himself. Wow, he really took seriously every word Giselle said and did everything to abide by what he thought were her wishes. I'm glad that's all been settled now.

I thought this was a wonderful way to end the story with the marriage proposal and the glow of love between them. The tenderness of this story, and the exotic unusual pairing make it unique. You avoided cliches and made it about two people finding each other in this big world. They were not stereotypes of rich and poor, or famous celebrity and unknown girl. They were real people, each with their own problems and challenges, who happened to fall in love. Good luck to you in publishing this story, and thank you for sharing it.
Shadowswept chapter 51 . 12/30/2013
I'm smiling like a fool right now. The chicken place! It's so ridiculous, yet so perfect for them to find each other there. Finally, he has her number. Giselle is too funny at the end of this chapter. I love how Lena accused her of sounding like her father. Oh my goodness! I'm so happy Tae Soo apologized to her for their separation. They have been apart so long, but they click just as well as they did back then.
Shadowswept chapter 50 . 12/30/2013
Tae Soo was so cute in this chapter! I loved the mix of sexy and sweet. He is very smart, too, to make sure he has someone to make him stop drinking and someone to drive him home. No wonder his career has been pretty much scandal free. I also enjoyed the humor in this chapter, especially when she criticized his choice of alcohol. I'm looking forward to how his meeting with Giselle will go down.
Shadowswept chapter 49 . 12/28/2013
That is encouraging! They are both taking action. I enjoyed this chapter, even though they are still frustrated in their quest to be together. After all the heartache, and even the loving and sweet thoughts, it was interesting to get a glimpse of Tae Soo's sexual side. Most of the time, he thinks about her in an emotional way, so the physical was startlingly powerful in this chapter. You haven't had a description like this since their first almost kiss while they were dancing, and Rico interrupted them.
Shadowswept chapter 48 . 12/28/2013
Yes, that was frustrating, but it was also sweet. He was so desperate to get there, and Giselle knows him so well that she guessed as much. Of course it's only a matter of time before they connect again. Their feelings are too strong, and they won't let it slip away again.
Shadowswept chapter 47 . 12/28/2013
I'm so glad that Lena told her about Angie. Boy, you really built the tension in this chapter! I'm so anxious about him making it to the signing, because I think Giselle is going to be really mad if he doesn't.
Shadowswept chapter 46 . 12/28/2013
This is very unexpected. I didn't think they'd be able to get back to being warm and friendly with each other so soon. Him wearing her bracelet was a beautiful touch. So now they know that they both still have feelings for each other. I wonder why Lena didn't tell her that Angie isn't his girlfriend. At least he's now learned not to put his career before Giselle. It was lovely that he got to tell her how happy he is for her success.
Shadowswept chapter 45 . 12/28/2013
I'm glad that the truth is out now. Angie and Lena are a perfect pair to work together to speed things along. Giselle and Tae Soo finally talked! It was just as awkward as I would expect it to be. Of course they wouldn't be able to voice all their feelings right away, and not in a public place. Yet, the first step has been taken. Now that the silence has been breached, I think the dam will burst.
Shadowswept chapter 44 . 12/28/2013
Yes, I think this is very realistic for how it would be after ten years. They have not been able to say a word to each other yet, but at least she finally looked directly at him. That smile he didn't get to see gives me hope for them. I like her friend Lena. I also really like Angie.
Shadowswept chapter 43 . 12/28/2013
Ah, that was too cute! And amusing. I think we're getting somewhere now. Tae Soo was adorable when he was asking Angie for help. And she was hilarious with ogling his body. Then Giselle's comments had me laughing. I didn't expect humor after the heavy emotions in the last two chapters, but it was wonderful to be lifted out of the depression. I think you have a talent for writing funny scenes. I can't wait until they talk. I think it will be interesting.
Shadowswept chapter 42 . 12/28/2013
I was so overwhelmed by Giselle's reaction to Tae Soo showing up that I forgot to tell you that I think that poem is lovely and sad. Perfect for the heartbreak they are feeling. Well, he certainly got the message that Giselle is upset. Wow, ten years is a long time, but I don't think you need to put it in a title. I actually think finding out this way works for the story, because it helps us feel what they're feeling-the distance and the shock and awkwardness. So, the girl is his assistant. Of course, it's natural that Giselle would assume she was his girlfriend.
Shadowswept chapter 41 . 12/28/2013
Wow, this meeting was heavy with emotions. I thought you described it perfectly-the disbelief, the shock, the fantasy of the Hollywood ending. Poor Giselle! That was so hard for her. Then to top it off, the woman with him seems perfect to Giselle. Oh, what a mess!
Shadowswept chapter 40 . 12/25/2013
I'm so glad for Giselle becoming a successful author! It's wonderful that she was able to fulfill her dreams for a writing career. I'm not surprised that her marriage failed, because she obviously never got over Tae Soo. He seems to be still in love with her too. I like how this chapter intersects with both of them but keeps them from actually meeting. It builds the anticipation for them to see each other. I'm certainly looking forward to it.
Shadowswept chapter 39 . 12/23/2013
I have to admit that this was a beautiful goodbye scene, so tender and bittersweet. Yet, I feel it's all so unnecessary. He had given her the option of being with him in an earlier chapter when he explained what she would have to face from the fans. Why is that option now off the table? They have so many ways to communicate in the modern world, from phones to computers. He has the money to come visit her or pay for her to visit him. Stars do this all the time, and they still have their careers-even with a bit of scandal attached. Is it so different in Korea? Also, if they got married there would be no scandal, because they would have every right to be together. I am very upset right now. Don't get me wrong, your writing is good and the story is interesting. I wouldn't be this upset if I didn't care about the characters.
Shadowswept chapter 38 . 12/23/2013
Does that last sentence mean what I think it means? I'm hoping it does. Well, I did not expect the arrival of his mother, but I'm not surprised about her reaction to Giselle. What bad timing! I'm so frustrated with both Giselle and Tae Soo. Yes, they are facing some difficulties, but this doesn't have to be the end for them.
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