Reviews for Imprint
Shamousan chapter 36 . 9/27/2023
It's been awhile since i felt this crazy over a story, literally could not stop thinking about these characters and their world. Tbh i had to control myself to not drop all my responsabilities for this, kept lying to myself "just one chapter before bed" but it was always very hard to stop reading.
I feel like the way this is written makes it all the more compelling because you get all these hints of something and you just need to know what it is! Felt like i was holding onto some puzzle pieces trying to see where they fit.
The characters are super interesting, i couldn't choose one that i liked more over the others and thats very rare for me. And i absolutely adore the relationships between them, very curious to see how Frost fits in this family ahah
I see now the sequel isn't finished and thats gonna hurt, but im glad i didnt notice it before because i would have missed out on this gem and that would be the real tragedy!
Anyway lots of thoughts (my bad) hermit in the cave i love your brain, may you always be happy (ะท)-
Shamousan chapter 28 . 9/26/2023
Dude we're getting the band back together!
Oh my gosh i have so many theories for how they all connect, currently going crazy
Shamousan chapter 26 . 9/25/2023
Ahhhh really bursting with curiosity at this point, does Frost know Trick? He definitely knows (remembers?) something.
First I had thought Tallen was kinda like Strife, somehow he had gotten here to get Frost but this chapter confirmed he isn't. I'm guessing both him and Frost are more like Xander Cain, born in this world with snippets of memories from Canaan (a past life?), maybe ahah
I'm still not totally clear on the places we've seen, we got the Veil which I think is where our characters are in current day; the Outworld I figure is an inbetween place, kind of a community of people from the other side(?), and the place where those memories happened hmm
I'm sure I'll figure it out, just wanted to write this out cause I'm getting way too into this
Shamousan chapter 22 . 9/25/2023
This chapter was so very satisfying to read, I could finally put some of the puzzle pieces down. And obviously I love these two murder husbands
Shamousan chapter 17 . 9/24/2023
I really enjoy these interludes! I wonder if this is a soulmates in every lifetime situation we're seeing? Makes me very excited to read more
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 36 . 3/8/2017
I don't know how this story doesn't have over a thousand reviews. Beautiful characters, confusing but captivating plot/setting; the perfect ingredients for the makings of a great story. I'm looking forward to reading more!
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 35 . 3/8/2017
The was by far the best scene, an action pack sequence for Caanan to get his memories back. I love the three of them together.
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 33 . 3/8/2017
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 32 . 3/8/2017
Chapter 32 review: finally answers and some insight to Drogan. I don't know why, but I love Drogan and his interactions with Canaan. There is something distructive and yet intimately beautiful about them together. Love that the characters are starting to meet. I hope they all work on the same side. Wondering when Frost's place in all this is going to show. I would love to see him interacting with Strife, Canaan, and Trick.
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 21 . 3/7/2017
Chapter 21 review: These sex scenes are a complete utter tease that is causing mild cardiac arrest. Would it kill you to pepper a real one in ever so often?
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 18 . 3/7/2017
Chapter 18 review: I love Canaan and Strife beyond what is healthy. There is something dark and entertaining about them that fascinates as much as disturbs me.
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 14 . 3/6/2017
Chapter 14 review: Tallen and Frost's connection is beautiful to behold. I treasure them.
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 11 . 3/6/2017
Chapter 11 review: I don't know why but this chapter made me sad. Maybe because I could feel Frost's hidden longing for Tallen?
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 9 . 3/6/2017
Chapter 9 review: I love Strife and Wolf, there's something dark and magnetizing about them. I miss Frost and Tallen tho...
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 7 . 3/6/2017
Chapter 7 review: I don't know why, but this couple is sinfully hot. I want more, but also miss my sweet empath Frist and Tallen/Daniel?
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