Reviews for The Great Queen of the Forest and the Nothing
RoxLeFay chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
This was such a delightful piece, I loved the formal language used and the beautifully vivid imagery used throughout. The complexity of this story was very intriguing, especially in the middle.
I love the whole idea of the Nothingness being nothing yet something at the same time, although trying to appear to be nothing at all...
Great work! :)
snaggled chapter 1 . 6/3/2013
This is absolutely beautifully written- easily one of the best I've seen on this site thus far- and it definitely deserves more views and favorites than it has at the moment! I love the smooth flow of the piece, and the dialogue in particular is a joy to read.

But because I'm pedantic, and always like to end a review on a crit (isn't that the best way to use a review box?) occasionally you seem to overuse a particular "flowery" or overcomplicated word simply for the sake of using a flowery or overcomplicated word. This, whilst bringing out the grandeur and atmosphere of the story, can also swiftly bring the reader out of the piece, as well as giving it a bit of an overly pretentious and alienating air, which could in turn make the reader feel somewhat resented.
Sorry if that's nitpicky, but like I said; I like to end a review on a piece of crit.
Hope it helps!

Still love the story, hope it continues!
BrandyPew chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
Awesome. In every sense of the word :3