Reviews for I'm Yours
Rayney chapter 6 . 4/6/2016
Pretty nice i must admit
mini chapter 37 . 10/2/2015
Pretty good story, I totally saw the twist with Holly coming as soon as she asked to meet up with Violet! t was a good twist :) Thanks for writing so much, I read this all in one sitting.
BlueBells chapter 37 . 1/12/2015
OH! I missed this story. I'm glad u updated.
I think u don't need to explain the in-between (however sweet) little things. I know it's a diary, but in my opinion, the not-so-important things breaks the flow of story. That makes me sad bcz I lovvve diz story that much. I'm (almost) in luv w' sweet Nick. He blow-dried Vi's hair! One can't get sweeter than that.
I hope u get back fast to Kevin's part of story; I really miss him too.
Stunnamac chapter 37 . 12/30/2014
I missed this story! I think Nick is so sweet, but I hope someone knocks some sense into Kevin! Can't wait until the next chapter!
CosmosPink chapter 36 . 10/17/2014
I am totally into this theme of soul mates and totally into your story. Update soon...
Turtle Ama chapter 36 . 9/25/2014
So! I just read the whole thing in one go! Sitting at work with no one in my office for the day, gives lots of time to read.

At first I wasn't sure how I was going to like it, but i kept reading because it was very interesting. I quickly fell in love with it, and finished it in a few hours between clients.

So here are my notes and comments for 36 chapters:
Few typos and spelling errors in earlier chapters, no big deal.
Totally didn't see the twist with Holly. I can't believe someone didn't tell her sooner. I can't believe Holly, though it explains how easily she was able to stalk Vi.
Adore the whole Lana and Jun thing too! I hope they are soulmates, would be just so amazing. :)

I love it! Please keep updating!

Teju chapter 36 . 9/23/2014
This story is awesome! This whole soul mate thing is awesome! Update soon..
P.S I knew Holly was the girlfriend after c asked Vi to meet her!
imarockstar chapter 36 . 9/23/2014
Congratz that u r in university nw, good luck in ur studies nd I hope u prosper. Loving the story but can't wait to get to Violet nd Kevin's part or Violet and Holly... Expecting juicy stuff thr
Stunnamac chapter 36 . 9/21/2014
Congrats! I graduate this year! Poor Violet :( Nick is so sweet though lol. I really like how this story is written. It's different from all the other stories I've read. It might seem too choppy for some people, but I think it reflects Violet's thoughts well.
imarockstar chapter 35 . 9/14/2014
I think I like Nick so far, he seems like a cool guy who won't mind "playing" with no strings attached. I think Violet should answer her best friends e-mail (I'm such a fan of gay couples). But let's get real... All the action is on Violet and Holly so I really wanna hear that part. I love you so much but u not uploading for so long kills me on the inside. #number_1_fan
LadyA chapter 35 . 8/23/2014
I hope things get interesting with nick, violet needs to have some fun since her soul mate had a girl friend this whole time. Plus violet really needs to tell someone what happened between her and Kevin. Can't wait for the next update.
LadyA chapter 33 . 8/23/2014
I knew it was holly but that was messed up what she did. She knows that's her half sister so she should have just backed off like what violets mom did for their dad and Hollys mom.
Guest chapter 34 . 8/10/2014
Dear author,

I just finished reading your story ' I'm yours '. I loved the idea of the soul mates. I was sad to see that you didn't finish this amazing story. I love the huge plot twist ending of Holly being the girlfriend ( possibly). I hope you would continue writing this exciting story.

From reader,
- starry123

P.s. I hope Jun and Lana are soul mates...
Lost in time of Dinos chapter 34 . 6/10/2014
Usually I'm not in 1st p.o.v. But my brain wanted to know more about the characters and story. This chapter was a twist. Holly?daamn. Also I cried and as this point I kinda don't want her to end up with Kevin, to me he is still a jerk who can't decide anything yet.

But over all I really like this story. Keep on with your good work.
Gewhana chapter 34 . 4/23/2014
I love this story so far. I'm mad at Kevin and I'm mad at Holly and I'm mad at Violet (She needs to talk to someone for CRYING OUT LOUD.) I didn't think Holly was his girlfriend... I was sure it was the glass throwing girl.
I STILL didn't catch on until it actually said I was literally like 'I thought Kevin said is girlfriend- WHAT'
Can't wait for the next chapter!
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