Reviews for Now See Here!
Ice chapter 10 . 1/7/2019
Your first story! Im in love and so the sladin arc begins...MWAHAHAHA!
FictionWriter200 chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
Peter. What the heck man HAHA. That last line just killed me. This is definitely a great start! I enjoyed the dynamic. Your English is pretty good too, so don't worry about it.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
Read the whole thing and I enjoyed it a lot 3
R. Ficst chapter 1 . 6/3/2017
Came back for a re-read. :) Love your story
DianeLennox chapter 10 . 5/19/2017
I really enjoyed this story. Your characters were super fun to be around and I loved reading them getting together. I also enjoyed all your side characters as well, I feel it painted a better picture of their lives. If I had to make a criticism I think I would have liked to see the couple alone more. For most of the story they were around other people as well. Great stuff!
Putz chapter 4 . 4/30/2017
I like the story, but there's too much conversation. Most conversations scrolling down is something being said by someone else so the writing style is predominantly speech. There isn't much happening in terms of the plot and instead the rate of the plot moves with the conversation. In this case, because the rate of the plot depends on the progression of the story, the pacing of your story ends up being very slow. Per chapter there isn't much actually happening aside from conversation. I am not sure yet if this is a writing style that I enjoy, but I like the characters you have created.
Mindluver chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
I've read this before, but I had to come back to it. I'm so looking forward to reading it again. ML
anonymous chapter 10 . 9/15/2015
Type your review u gay y de gay story
Samekraemer chapter 10 . 5/11/2015
Loved the story! Great job.
samekraemer chapter 2 . 5/10/2015
Loved the chapter. Great story.
Chaos.Started.It chapter 10 . 4/15/2015
Wow. I just realized I have failed to comment on this story, so I'll do that now. I just finished reading through this story for the 3rd time. Literally, it's that good. Especially for someone whose first language isn't English. I applaud you on such a well written story.

Much Love.
R. Ficst chapter 7 . 9/21/2014
AHHHH I love Lance so much. He is hilarious and awesome.
R. Ficst chapter 2 . 9/21/2014
Back for a re-read and enjoying it all over again.
Guest chapter 10 . 6/18/2014
Hermosa historia,muy digna de tu ingenio!
La he disfrutado,gracias por compartir su talento.
...sera posible saber como les irá a Mark y Jake en su relación luego de haber transcurrido el tiempo?
nonaccount chapter 1 . 6/14/2014
I'm so glad I found this - enjoyed it and now I'll keep reading. :)
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