Reviews for it happened in a blink
Tallyrue chapter 9 . 7/11/2013
Yay! Enjoyed the chapter, glad you're posting tomorrow too! Can't wait :-)
Stunnamac chapter 10 . 7/13/2013
I actually thought that she wouldn't make it, not because I don't think she's good at soccer, which she undoubtedly is, but because Coach Cane didn't want her on the team. I'm so happy that Tanner accepted her on the team! I think she would have been a lot happier if her dad wasn't such a dick lol. I'm totally understanding now why she's so tough! I didn't realize until this chapter that it's because of her father that she's like this. I mean I knew how her father was but I didn't realize how much he affects her. She's trying so hard to get him to love her and notice her and support her but he is a first class jerk. I really liked when all of the guys went to her table. That was a classy move. I also just realized that she barely eats! I just assumed that she brought a bag lunch but she only eats an apple! Either she just doesn't eat a lot in general or that's due to stress. I don't really know. Anywho one of my favorite chapters! Please update soon!
Stunnamac chapter 9 . 7/11/2013
Yes she cut the skirt! I was thinking that would be a smart idea but then the Dean went all crazy and thought that she was defacing school property? Aw hell no haha. They better put her on the team! She's so amazing and she would be a great advantage. Tanner is a douche as always but Victoria is being a bitch to him. Hey, at least she tried to apologize haha! Tanner is just making things worse for himself. Pretty soon he'll fall for her I just know it. Although, Adrian is someone to watch out for, but I'm not getting a good vibe from him. Awesome chapter! Please update soon!
SavioroftheNight chapter 9 . 7/11/2013
happy almost birthday :) have fun and give me some cake :P
Guest chapter 8 . 7/9/2013
Please have her cut the skirt with scissors. Please
Stunnamac chapter 8 . 7/9/2013
Wow Victoria kicked balls these past two chapters! That was genius of her to kick Tanner's balls literally when they played Red Rover. I really despise her father smh. I laughed so hard when she got that floor length skirt! She should cut it! Tanner, I saw that he has a soft side but I still hate him. Jonah, I'm iffy about him because he's not as mean as Tanner but I'm not so sure if he really wants Victoria on the team or not. Victoria, well she can be bitchy but at least she's not miss bubbly flirty innocent girl. She won't survive with all of the douchebags in that academy! Also, please update whenever you write a chapter! I love this story so much! I was surprised to see you update with 2 chapters!
tallyrue chapter 8 . 7/9/2013
I am really enjoying your story :-) I love the characters! You do a great job with them. I don't know where you're going with this story but I want to know what happens between Jonah and Victoria! I feel like there is so much potential for romance, but right now Jonah is totally denying anything to himself. I feel like Tanner is changing too and there's a possibility there as well. Please keep writing!
Stunnamac chapter 6 . 7/5/2013
Oh my god Victoria is amazing! Never underestimate her boys! That was hilarious when she kicked the ball to Tanner's face! Haha
tallyrue chapter 5 . 7/2/2013
More please! I am enjoying your story :-) I am interested in what's next!
Stunnamac chapter 5 . 7/2/2013
I was really confused when you posted a different chapter haha. But, I'm super happy that you posted 2 chapters! I love Victoria! She can be a bitch lol but she's tough and I admire her determination. Damn if I tried out, I would be cut the first minute lol.
Noori chapter 5 . 7/2/2013
You won't believe how happy I was when I saw this story again!
I found this story funnier 2 years back than I do now. I don't know if that's because i've grown up now or because i was expecting too much. I loved the sarcasm and the way you write. I'll be waiting for every update of this chapter. :)
Stunnamac chapter 4 . 7/1/2013
Uh I think you updated for the wrong story lol.
mapplegate chapter 1 . 6/30/2013
I'm so happy this is back! I loved it so much the first time and it will be even better the second!
BelieveInTheUnbelievable1 chapter 3 . 6/30/2013
Really cool! Update quick pleeeeease :D
Stunnamac chapter 3 . 6/29/2013
I LOVE VICTORIA! She better kick Tanner's actual balls lol
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