Reviews for it happened in a blink
katiedawson360 chapter 34 . 9/3/2013
a lil bit confused: hus noah? thx for the fast update!
Stunnamac chapter 34 . 9/3/2013
ENOUGH WITH THE GAMES MY GOODNESS! Sure they're entertaining but I want them together already haha! That was kind of sad that Noah didn't really know Victoria as well as Jonah even when they knew each other a lot longer. Although, that shows how perfect Jonah is for Victoria and how attuned he is to Victoria's thoughts and feelings. You know, I've become so obsessed with this story that when I see that you updated, I stop whatever I'm doing and read haha!
Sierra chapter 31 . 9/1/2013
You Updated Yaaaaay ! Your amazing, you just update so fast! This chapter was pretty funny, im excited to see how the pool party turns out that should be fun lol & Im glad Tanner and Ace figured it out now Victoria and Jonah need to find out and soon ! They just need to give in and realize they both like each other, except it ! Only 10 chapters left ? Whaaaaat? So soon ? :( I hope there's a sequel haha , Anyways update soon please im stoked for the next chapter ! Love love this story :)
katiedawson360 chapter 33 . 9/2/2013
omg i love ur story started last nite and just finished plz updat!
Guest chapter 31 . 8/31/2013
Update soon! I love where this is going for Emerald. Jonah is about to set some kids straight isn't he?
ItsVintageHearts chapter 33 . 9/2/2013
Finally! I'm so happy right now:')
Guest chapter 31 . 8/31/2013
you can do it! you can do it! let's go update! let's go update! Yay! Awesome chapter. I'm still sad that it won't be Tanner and Victoria but, it will have to do. I loved this chapter. Keep going. And, as I've already said let's go update! Soon! please
werciaforever13 chapter 33 . 9/2/2013
Omg the whole scene victoria created in the beginning was hilarious! Why wont vick and jonah just go out and become madly in love? They would be the cutest thing ever! Tanner... i love him... by far my most favorite character. And i love that hes a part of all this. He clearly wants vick and jonah together asap. Anyways great chapter :) update soon!
girlsruntheworld7 chapter 33 . 9/2/2013
I'm gonna have to say this is one of my favourite chapters so far! I loved it! And uh oh I get the feeling their next game is gonna be a bad one ... :( but I love Tanner's involvement and he makes the story so much funnier too! I was laughing so much when Victoria read out the whole Tanner thing - it was awesome I was literally laughing out loud.
Michelle1236 chapter 33 . 9/2/2013
Yay! They kissed! I just love Jonah and Victoria together! I think they're perfect for each other! I can't wait to see what happens next! Please update soon! :)

Stunnamac chapter 33 . 9/1/2013
Victoria's British stunt was hilarious! YES KISSING IN THE RAIN PERFECT!
LadyA chapter 32 . 9/1/2013
Hmm I'm gonna try and guess what happens in the next chapter but it could be practically anything.

Jonah and Victoria could kiss again. Or Tanner will some how spill Jonah's secret crush to Victoria or spill it to Jonah making the other one act on it. Or Tanner could make Jonah jealous by flirting more with Victoria to make Jonah confess his feelings.
Stunnamac chapter 32 . 9/1/2013
This chapter dude. This chapter had me smiling like a goofball the entire time, which I've been doing a lot for this story. I didn't really like how Jonah handled the situation with his sister but his intentions behind it were nice. Wow the team really does need Victoria lol. BEAU'S PARTY WAS SO AWESOME! Definitely satisfied my expectations haha. And Jonah found his girl! About time! I love when Tanner said "How is it that one girl can stun us all, but us fifteen nice looking guys can't even gain her attention for a split second." Victoria is such an amazing and gorgeous gal that does have flaws but gahh I just love that she's so innocent yet not innocent and so cool around guys. Man, I wish I was her haha. I bet/hope the next chapter is when they finally admit their feelings to each other!
BrownEyedCutie99 chapter 32 . 9/1/2013
I think Jonah handled the Emerald situation perfectly, but his soccer game plan didn't really work. Beau's party as pretty nice. I thought the 'Mystery Girl' being revealed would be more awkward, but you made Victoria handle the situation pretty well. Either Emerald finds out about Jonah or Ace and Tanner go through with some plan to get the two love birds together. I am leaning more towards the latter.
LaStoria chapter 32 . 9/1/2013
Jonah and Victoria are finally going to have a moment neither of them will forget. Updat soon!
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