Reviews for Let's Get Lost Together
BethCamella chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
I. Love. Your. Title! Let's get lost together!can you tell me what's The Society for the Promotion of Panda Welfare, a Hunger Games forum on Fanfiction is? Sorry if I wasted your time;-) I simply love the two stories, and I found the endings have something in common which are both a little depressing right
BethCamella chapter 2 . 7/26/2013
She must really loved the teacher. Then he comes along. He is handsome, attractive, and he's not. . .not hazy like the other people she knows. She makes the first move and asks him out, something that had been entirely foreign to her, because even handsome/attractive hides in the shadows and she wants to know more. There's a curiosity in his eyes when he talks to her, like a scientist who's found an intriguing specimen.
When I read this I was spellbound by him too but what he had done to her is unforgivable. What a sad ending! Is there more?