Reviews for UNDERTOW
Why-do-I-need-a-username chapter 25 . 3/25/2014
Wow. Wow. WOW. Wow? Wow. D
d chapter 25 . 3/1/2014
holy shit, how the hell does this not have more reviews? Storys like these are the reason i spend ages searching this site for a good story to read!
Everything about it is just perfect, the characters, the story line etc. It has just made my day, and I can't wait for the sequel!
Guest chapter 20 . 2/5/2014

I love this.

I honest to cheeseballs seriously flipping love this.

(take a seat, ths will take a while)

I was not expecting such a marvelous and original story...the characters, the plot, the dialouge, the little references to little things that you (and I) obviously love (Cujo!) and the hunk of smoldering fiction that is Kian (fangirl sigh).

Im honestly amazed ur story doesnt have more favourites and reviews and follows, because IMHO, you should be having a fan club by now. (Go Lunaterra!) (Forgive the excessive parantheses).

I do have a few questions though...Eila didnt seem so freaked out with the whole I-am-the-last-of-my-race-and-DarthMortis-is-trying-to-kill-me thing. I mean, she did have a little crying session, if you can call it that, but that was mostly over Raef, not her would-be murderers.

Also, if you could clear up a little issue for me? Raef travelled to Boston and seemed to get there in a few hours, with extra time to snoop around, but the rest of the gang took a long time to get there, and they were travelling by boat. Or yatch. Now, im not an American and knew nothing about the location of Boston relative to Cape Cod, but isn't there some continuity error or whatever? Feel free to correct me if im wrong.

I promised you a loong review, but im typing on my phone and my thumbs seriously hurt like a mother, that is, if your mother regularly made you bench press a car with your thumbs. Im ending here, but this is me, and who am I to say bye without introducing myself? Im Ella, nice to review your work.

One question, though; why is it tagged as completed? Please don't tell me its complete. You would break my heart if you do.

Anon chapter 3 . 1/11/2014
Eh, what the heck. Why isn't this story getting anymore reviews? Your writing is good. At first I was skeptical about the genre because I was never one for the light!heroine and dark!hero coming together to fight a bunch of evils because those stories usually end up as shit, but your writing really changed my mind a little bit. Yeah it's a cliche, but the introduction is enough to keep me intrigued. I think the quality of a story can be determined from the very first chapter. Yours did me in.

I'll probably keep reading till the end.
Isi Writer chapter 13 . 1/12/2014
So, to be honest, I'm kinda surprised at how few favorites/reviews/follows you have for this story. It's original, well-writen, and overall a great story. Some people have problems writing in a first-person narrative but you write it naturally. One thing I'm confused on, is the last part of Ch 13 with talking about the immunity. I'm not sure if you are planning to elaborate on it further or just wanted a cliffhanger of sorts.

I love the characters within your story, and when I'm reading this, I can't stop. I have to finish each and every chapter before collecting my thoughts because it feels as if I am within the story with Eila. That's actually another thing, you have unique names for the living Mortis and Lunaterra so far and while I absolutely love them, I was wondering if there was a reason behind each name? Or if it is just something that you enjoyed about them.

I might sound dumb here, but do you have a sequel to this? I haven't checked your profile yet so this might be a dumb question, but just in case. :)

Overall well done! One of the better stories that I've seen in this section before. I hope to see more soon!
Ney13 chapter 5 . 1/6/2014
With the anxiety she was having about attending school, she should have been shyer and quiet. Instead, she was level-headed and talkative. It doesn't really match with what you were trying to show before she went to school.
Otherwise, I didn't spot anything wrong. It flows really well, and there isn't any awkward dialog. The description is perfect - not too much, not too little. Why Nikki dislikes Eila is a valid reason, not just a silly one that doesn't make sense. Raef seems a little suspicious, but I suppose he has to have that air about him to get Eila's attention (not to mention his stellar looks).
Olive Marie chapter 2 . 9/4/2013
OH my gosh it's amazing! You are such a great writer and although I've only read a little, I am in love with the world you are creating!