Reviews for Boys and Other Useless Things
Otakuami chapter 3 . 10/29/2019
God, I absolutely adored those stories. The dialogues between the characters are very funny and interesting to the bone. Their personalities are so perfectly fleshed out and how it influences them in their relationships is also pretty cool.
I just loved all of the stories, especially the last one.
kitten chapter 3 . 9/13/2015
It was a fun read :) Congrats, your writing is fluid and makes it easy for the readers to connect :) Love all the characters
Red chapter 3 . 4/2/2015
This reminded me of Let It Snow! That's a good thing, considering I adored that book, so cookies for you! I still can't decide whether I liked Will's or Max's story more, and it's killing me not being able to decide. :( Thanks a bunch for writing this, I enjoyed it immensly! xx
TheHungryCaterpillar chapter 3 . 1/26/2015
I really loved reading all of these stories. Thank you for posting :) You're a great author
justmaybe chapter 3 . 7/6/2014
This was so unique and well written. I'm so glad I found this, thanks for three awesome stories!
atlalok33 chapter 3 . 3/8/2014
lollipop addict chapter 3 . 2/15/2014
This was so... not cute, more of good looking, if a story can be described that way. It made me smile, but it wasn't sugary sweet and filled with fluff. I have no idea how to describe it, so I'll just leave it here.
Katherine chapter 3 . 1/4/2014
Hi, I hope you don't bypass this just because it's a long review! I'm an editor at my college newspaper so always have a lot to say XD
I liked your story and enjoyed how different all the characters were. I just had one problem with it and that was Elena.
I'm a journalism major and I was taught that in order to quote someone you first have to get their permission and they have to be aware that you're publishing it. So technically it was illegal what Elena did with Max's quote. I would consider looking more into journalism do's and don'ts though if you plan on ever writing more journalist characters.
The getting mad at him for the book publishing was a little weird too- I agree that many college athletes are not smart and only got to college because of sports, but most college aged people know that connections are part of life. It's not cheating to take advantage of a connection. The other part of this one, was that she didn't really bypass it. If she had accepted his offer then she still would have had to go through an editor- it's part of the publishing process.
That being sad, I absolutely loved Nadia. Hers and Will's was my favorite relationship. I liked the interactions between Gabriel and Jules and thought it would have been interesting if there were a twist to his sex life. For example, he only had sex with a few of those girls and the rest of them he only fooled around with, but that's just my opinion.
Over all, I think the idea was a really great one and liked how I bonded with and liked the characters and cared about them even after not having known them for a short while! Great job!
deets1 chapter 3 . 1/3/2014
I love this story. It was interesting seeing how all the different relationships played out. I especially liked how the last one was of the unexpected variety.
somelittlething chapter 3 . 1/1/2014
great oneshots! :) I'd love to see an epilogue of sorts, though. happy new year!
Abbey chapter 3 . 12/29/2013
I find it interesting that you wrote in different POVs for all three chapters: first person for the first chapter, third person omniscient (sort of) for the next, and third person limited for the last one.

Did you mean to do this? Like, a chapter told just from Max's POV because he was hardly there in the beginning...
Abbey chapter 2 . 12/29/2013
I personally like this better than the first one (although I'm glad Jules and Gabriel are still going strong). I think it's because I love characters like Nadia: smart but quirky. Haha, her requirements for a roommate were strange at first but surprisingly well-thought out.

And now for Max! I'm a bit saddened that the story is ending soon, but it's better that you finish it at its best rather than drag it on and on.
Cindy chapter 3 . 12/29/2013
Loved this entire series! Max is adorable, obviously. But in regards to the 18-1 football score, it's impossible to score only a singular point in a game by NFL rules (sorry for being nit-picky!)
Abbey chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
This was adorable. It was very engaging.
stuck in bed chapter 1 . 11/2/2013
Hi! :) Your story was added over to the "Humor" category on A Drop Of Romeo! Here is your review:

Cute and funny, "Boys and Other Useless Things" easily makes you smile. The premise is fairly simple and explained well in the summary. But let me just summarize very quickly what you will find: three charming males, three women who are perfect for them, and three amazing tales. The third one has yet to come out, but it doesn't take a fortune-teller to figure out that it will be a good one.

The best thing about The Smile Machine’s piece it is that it can do two things – satisfy your inner cliché lover and also offer you plots that are never exactly the same. And that's a very, very good thing.
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