Reviews for The Darkness
Alareic chapter 1 . 10/18/2003
Good job! I want to read more plz keep writing

PS. Read my story Red Mile!
Hiro Yui chapter 1 . 1/9/2003
I too suffer from depression. However, unlike you I didn't get a good ending. But I'm still glad that your alright...*blink blink* Yeah that was sappy but it's the truth.
xo0Jayne0ox chapter 1 . 1/7/2003
Didn't like it
Kezarahk chapter 1 . 8/29/2002
When I stumbled on to this I had to check the website addy to make sure I really was HERE. I'll get to the actual review part now but I just had to express my surprise at finding an openly Christian post. Nice to meet you! Okay back to cool and professional now...

This is a touching and genuinely interesting post. Some of the expressions of pain and loneliness have got to resonate inside many who have suffered from crushing loneliness or emotional pain.

The formatting and actual text are clean and easy to read. That's important!

You expressed yourself well. Nice job.
BabyGurl chapter 1 . 6/15/2001
Oh my gosh! I'm like, so glad I found another strong christian on here! I loved your story so much! I know I've been in that kind of depression, and Jesus comes and heals all the pain. I loved the story! Keep loving God and keep up the GREAT work! This story is going on my favorites! Loved it!
gold serpent chapter 1 . 6/13/2001
I don't usely read stuff like this..I liked the begining I know how that feels but the rest...well any way...nic can write good...try writeing about some thing esle I think you would do good...:)