Reviews for Second Chances
ATK chapter 3 . 8/3/2021
I cried! I actually love this and I know you probably wont get this since most everyone is inactive here but this was amazing and I just needed you to know somehow so I'll just pretend you got it 3
somersaultkick chapter 2 . 10/20/2015
I wish they will be together. He wants her but what about Kennedy? Hope I can read your part three soon!
Kalilah chapter 3 . 10/10/2015
I love your writing. You have this amazing ability to reduce me to tears and make my cheeks hurt from smiling so wide. Whenever your characters are hurt, my throat gets clogged and tears are uncontrollably falling from my eyes. When your characters are happy, no doubt I'll be smiling with my hands on my heart.
Thank you for sharing you work. Thank you for giving me the chance to read your works. Off to read and reread more of your works. _
truh chapter 3 . 6/27/2015
Seriously, when are you going to be published? Its been years since I've read your story and with the way your writing is growing I expected for you to be publish by now xD. With that aside, I feel that this story could've swing both ways but I'm glad it ended in Alana's favor because she was there when times got rough for him as he for her.

Since the beginning when Kennedy didn't state her reason for abandoning Mack, other than her selfish needs to find herself, I just couldn't swing in her favor. Meh I just feel that if you leave something great for your own selfish needs, you don't deserve it. The fact that he didn't even try to stop her illustrated, for me, a clear sign that they just weren't meant to be together. At the end of the day, my definition of love is that if you truly love someone you should at least try to fight for them. Which he did for Alana (: Welp, Thanks for sharing! Keep writing!
my princess ending chapter 3 . 6/9/2015
Aww, the ending is so sweet! I love seeing the way Mack grows throughout the story, from loving Kennedy to realizing his feelings for Alana. I have to admit that I still think Kennedy and Mack are meant to be together because the first "section" of the story really portrayed what I thought was love. I think as the story progressed, you really showed that Kennedy and Mack will never change and grow as a couple and I'm so happy for Kennedy for standing her ground and not apologize for leaving Mack to find herself. I praise you for ending Second Chances the way it did. I really softened up to Alana from the way you can see her struggle to subtly keep her distance from Mack. This story is great and written with so much feeling. Great job!
my princess ending chapter 2 . 6/9/2015
I'm cringing at how this might end. I may have spoiled it for myself but I'm still keeping my last shred of hope! I believe in Kennedy and Mack! And at this point, I don't want the separation between Mack and Alana just because of Kennedy, I want it because I wish there was a point where Alana would take the time to love herself and fully let go of her past. I don't want Mack to be there because it would mean so much more for Alana to do this for herself. Her past really hurts me and women like her make me feel stronger.
my princess ending chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
One of my most favorite things in the world are the small things that keep people going. Like small gestures of kindness, little jokes, or just things that make people say "this is what I live for". It just gives me so much hope to see people not sad and gloomy and not stressed out all the time. What about you?!

So here's what's up, you're basically the first person I've read anything from when I discovered FP and I found your stories and the way you write so iconic. But for some reason I never felt the pull to read any of your stories which is a big mistake because look what I'm missing out on! As time progressed my writing style improved due to the amount of stories I read. But lately I've been feeling like I can't write as well as other authors are able to and I don't know what I'm lacking. Reading what I wrote seems so off putting and cliché and it makes me head hurt. So I'm here, reading Second Chances and trying to figure out what the difference between your skill level and someone else's first time writing's skill level. I'm not sure if that made any sense. But I wanna ask what motivates you to write and what helps your writing skill level improve?

Okay so, Alana kills me. I feel so bad for her but I hate her at the same time because it would break me if Mack ever left Kennedy. The way you described Kennedy from Mack's point of view made me fall in love with them. I'm not sure what love is if that's not the way to describe it. I'm dead set against Alana and Mack, like I don't even want them to be friends but I do hope Alana finds happiness for herself because she is strong and worth it. I hope we get to see how Kennedy feels about this whole situation.

Angela you're a great writer! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise I'm sure you inspire many people to write because you inspire me.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/6/2014
Wow, you write so well. Usually, love triangles make me unhappy and I stop reading them once I figure out it's a triangle - but you write your characters so well and the vantage point from each character - that I kept reading and really enjoyed your story. Again, well done. Thank you
potteresque chapter 3 . 8/3/2014
This is such a perfect story. I was looking for a short yet really good one, and this is just what I wanted. I'm glad I stumbled upon this story. You made me feel all sorts of emotions within three chapters. I am applauding you. :)
anveena chapter 3 . 6/23/2014
I love this! thank you for updating! I don't usually read unfinished stories, but i accidentally came by this story of yours. By the time I realized it was unfinished, you just had me hooked! :)
while waiting for you to update, my mind was going crazy with scenarios about how everything was going to end. For a while, I believed that Mack and Kennedy would end up together so i tried to convince myself to discontinue reading this (I also have an insane need for happy endings! haha). That being said, I'm so glad I didn't stop reading. This chapter was so worth the wait! I love how there wasn't any drama about Alana meeting another guy, and that guy becoming someone important enough to make her forget about Mack (You know, none of that cliched stuff about the guy realizing a girl's worth because she found another man bla bla haha). I think you managed, for the most part, to make the characters consistent, and uncomplicated.

I think this was nicely done. I hope you write more stories like this! (and i wouldn't mind if you decided to post more chapters o this. haha)
Jess chapter 3 . 6/16/2014
Brilliant chapter, but I was hoping he'd choose Kennedy :(
Choukou chapter 3 . 6/16/2014
Hooray! I'm happy for Alana and Mack 3
Canada 1 chapter 3 . 6/12/2014
Brilliant ending. Thanks for finishing.
chocolate chip.cookies chapter 1 . 6/12/2014
am so so so glad you're posting again! There isn't a single story of yours that I didn't love so I'm excited to finish reading this one. Hope you're well!
Be-U-tiful chapter 3 . 6/7/2014
AHHH yay I loved the ending! This was so amazing.
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