Reviews for The Mischievous Encounters and General Naughtiness of Trisha
Bovinne chapter 4 . 10/25/2013
Okay, it's official. Monica is nothing like my best friend, but I've fallen in love with Alex.
Please don't make him gay.
... On second thought, make him gay for Max! I can see it now, and I'm in heaven! xD
Bovinne chapter 3 . 10/23/2013
I can officially say I not only love your story, but your writing style. :D I've been following this story since chapter 1 (Woo! Three whole days! Great posting time, by the way. :P ) and loving every second of it.
I also love how you use the word wanker, as I don't see it in many stories.
Other than that, I love the characters (and how you've made them realistic) and how you've introduced them. I'm really interested in seeing how this goes! :D