Reviews for ロリポップ B O Y, Lollipop BOY
Leigh Aldridge chapter 6 . 12/7/2013
Excited for your new story Jump to OVERDRIVE! The title sounds really cool :) and this was a sweet epilogue, they are an awkward but cute couple! I didn't read closed off and run off but maybe I will now :)
RandomFan chapter 5 . 12/6/2013
Awesome ending! Loved the last scene!
Please make an epilogue!
Leigh Aldridge chapter 5 . 12/1/2013
Hehe I'm satisfied. Good wrap to a sweet story! I would lose my patience with that boy haha. Well I hope you write a new story I'm sure it will be good! I don't know if you want to, but maybe write a shounen ai with high school boys :)
Leigh Aldridge chapter 4 . 11/25/2013
Cute chapter! What a nice boyfriend :) Hikaru should move with Seiji or something, I hope they stay together. Nice "Taylor Swift" moment there at the end haha. Poor Hikaru with that creep! It's good I'm sure the ending will be good too
RandomFan chapter 4 . 11/25/2013
...Sorry I accidentally pressed post review, so this is just a continuation of that previous review... Sorry for the inconvinience.
What I meant to say was I was also going to follow that new idea of a story you had when you post it. Again cool story! Good luck with the next chapter and your future stories as well!
Also again sorry for the split review thing. Man I really need to make an account.
RandomFan chapter 4 . 11/25/2013
OMG! This chapter! The feels! So Awesome!
I really loved the part where they wrote to each other with the whiteboard/sketch pad! The feels we're strong in the scene.
I also noticed, if Seiji left that last message next to his window out for Hikaru and forgot to take it down by morning, won't the people passing by his house see that message? O.O!?
Anyway this was a cool chapter. And I'll try to read some of your other works if I have time. I'll also follow that new idea you have when you p
RandomFan chapter 3 . 11/19/2013
This is a cool story! I really liked them saying "But that's never stopped us before" together at the same time! But man, what a cliffhanger! Well as they say, cliffhangers is cliffhangers. Please update soon! I'm jumping with excitement!
Leigh Aldridge chapter 3 . 11/17/2013
Nice, nice! I can see the end (as Keima would say). It's going to be good :) and I hope you write more manga stories for T, maybe a supernatural romance? Anyways thanks for the quick update, looking forward to the conclusion and (happy?) ending!
Leigh Aldridge chapter 2 . 11/16/2013
Thanks for another sweet chapter. This story is just like a light novel :) and I really love your characters! Something makes this story very awesome and likeable. I hope you finish it! I am a fan of boys love and manga too! Know any good titles? I reccomend Love Stage, Kawaii Neko, Lovers Doll, Dia Game, Mede Shireru Yoru no Junjou, Ouji no Hakoniwa and Sadistic Boy (the last one is kind of hardcore but I like the romance)
Leigh Aldridge chapter 1 . 11/13/2013
I like it! Your cool title caught my attention. I like the characters it reads exactly like anime/manga :3 I love this sort of pairing, you should read Binbougami ga, it's a funny school comedy too. Even though you say this will be short I'm happy to read it and tell you what I think! Yay for Seiji and Hikaru! XP