Reviews for You're My Cure
dear-llama chapter 3 . 1/30/2015
Aww! That was really sweet! Love the last line :) I really liked this, and especially the message behind it - it is so meaningful. True, we should never take anyone for granted, and I think this three-shot showed it particularly well. Also, Brett might have been slow on the uptake all those years, but he sure redeemed himself by being really sweet at the end! Great job, can't wait to read your others! :)
AJ chapter 2 . 1/18/2015
Dun, dun DUUUUN!
champagne kisses chapter 3 . 1/13/2015
This is very well-written. The emotions and the drama aren't really over the top which I thought is enough. I'm a sucker for best friends-turned-lovers stories so I really enjoyed reading this.