Reviews for The Internal Struggle of Stacey-Jo Dawson
deets1 chapter 26 . 4/20/2014
Asdfghjkl no.
I just want the copperheads to win.
Dangit SJ take off the texans shirt. Do it now.

(I hope Dallie isn't so down that they fight over that because that would suck a lot)

Asdfghjkl actually praying for a miracle here. It's not possible but come on copperheads. Maybe a Texan will do something completely and incredibly stupid in the last .1 seconds.
ultravioletta chapter 25 . 4/20/2014
Awesome update! Love the progress between SJ and Dallas! And I can't wait to see what Stevie is up to! :P
Oh You chapter 10 . 4/19/2014
I've never seen the point in football. Never have and still don't. But I still enjoy your story. That's got to say something about your writing ability, hasn't it. Either that or I'm a hopeless romantic.
Another thing- I'm English. Therefore when you say football I think the English version of soccer. But what you're actually talking about is American Football, which is more akin to English rugby. Needless to say- the contact aspects leave me bloody confused.
Tramaka chapter 25 . 4/16/2014
Seriously can't wait to read more! I'm missing SJ & Dallie & their adorable-ness :)
Vanquish13 chapter 24 . 4/16/2014
Vanquish13 chapter 7 . 4/14/2014
loving this!
bigXxdreamer chapter 25 . 4/10/2014
I think I love you... Or maybe it's your writing. Yeah, probably that... Hahaha! Update soon! I LOVE Dallas and Stacey-Jo!
icravecandy chapter 25 . 4/10/2014
Sorry for not reviewing... as sucky and absurd as it sounds I've been busy. And look at you! You're busy yet you still manage to create works of art on a pretty consistent basis... like, I ADORREEE THIS STORY SOOO MUCHHH YOU DONT EVEN KNOW I KEEP IT ALWAYS OPEN IN A TAB SO I CAN CHECK IT EVERY DAY FOR UPDATES. ahem. I love you. :D
yakirra chapter 25 . 4/9/2014
Umm I think you should change the rating to M especially after that last addition to the chapter.

Loved the fight between SJ and Dallas. Worked really well in the chapter. Until next time
gracefish21 chapter 25 . 4/9/2014
jmeec316 chapter 25 . 4/9/2014
All I can say is "Go Copperheads!"

I'm so glad that their first fight was over whether or not he was studying film or torturing himself was hilarious. This is one of the aspects of your writing that in my opinion raises you above so many other: you have such a strong grasp of your characters (major and minor) that their every action feels completely befitting of them.

And your timing and pacing (scene-building?) are always well done. I like that, after having SJ away for Thanksgiving break, you had her check in with all of her friends to tells them the news about her and Dallas. Oftentimes in stories where you're waiting for updates, minor character feel as though they drop off the face of the earth at points in the stories. The way you developed it allowed us touch base with all of the characters in Avercion along with SJ while building up to the reunion with Dallas. I thought it was an effective tactic.

And I loved how Dally handled Stevie; telling him he had bad timing and hanging up on him was priceless. Way to handle it, Dallas!

Well, I hope the next chapter flows from your fingertips as quickly as possible. I'm very excited/anxious/terrified for the Copperheads-Texans game. Since I'm a Patriots fan in real life, I not only want the Copperheads to win for Dallas's sake, but also because that will put the Patriots at the top of the AFC in your fictional season. ; )

Just kidding - I'm with SJ on this. Dallas is doing a great job of converting me, at least in this imaginary universe.
kairi chapter 25 . 4/9/2014
Update soon!
IAN chapter 25 . 4/9/2014
you realize that just now that it should be M? (they had sex in almost every chapter - even the first one).
that's kinda funny :D
there is a lot of sex and cursing and adult situations like dating and cheating in your story (not that I'm complaining).
But, I love this story b/c all of that. You make those things actually work in your story.
But I think it should be changed to M.
And it's not to be safe, it's to be accurate.
No matter what the rating is though, it's an awesome love story. And nothing bad or scary is going on, unlike other M rated stuff.
So keep up the good work :)
see you soon.
ChloeBear chapter 25 . 4/9/2014
Go. Away. Stevie
Lol Dallas answering the phone.
Update soon!
Guest chapter 25 . 4/9/2014
Shit damn.
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