Reviews for Torment
Penelope A chapter 27 . 2/21/2021
If you ever read this review, you'll probably be like "wtf people still read this after 7 years?" The answer is yes! I randomly found it because I've been on a bully romance (of the unrealistic kind where the bully DOES change because it's fun to play pretend imo) kick, and I really appreciate that you kept this story realistic. Trevor didn't stop being a bully once he started dating one of the people he tormented; his bullying just evolved.

I especially appreciate your note at the end calling people out for thinking that Ariana was wrong for leaving someone that's already proven himself to be consistently dangerous, violent, and unwilling to change. It's awful that young girls are told that jealousy and possessiveness are romantic. I really appreciate that you made it clear that Ariana was not the one responsible for his death. So many people tried to help him, and he always refused. She chose life, she chose herself when the media is always telling girls and women to choose the guy. It is not our job to fix men, and most problems cannot be fixed by love. I hope that the people who are mad at you for how this story ended realize that message and how important it is.

You built this story up excellently; I hope you're proud of what you've written!
Acie chapter 1 . 10/21/2016
At the end, I felt so hollow, it was like that whole thing has happened to me, not a fictional character. When Arianna sees Trevor again after 8 years, I know straight away that he will die. It's like he has come to say goodbye.
I know that the story is about abusive relationships but to me, it's more about the suicide at the end.
I feel guilty for Arianna. If only she was more considerate of his feelings. If only...
Just the fact that he kills himself hurts me. And his sister... His poor sister... Her mother and brother are dead and her father belongs in a hospital for brain damaged.
But the character I feel most responsible for is Trevor. Ok, yes, I know people don't like him for his choices. And I know if I was Arianna I would have gone down with him. But I know she made the right decision, although it pains me to admit it.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/21/2016
The ending... I find it strange. It's like I've suddenly become hollow, and I really wish I haven't finished the story. I don't even know what I'm actually feeling. Maybe sadness or something. Anyway, the story was great but I wish I hadn't read it.
LoveDenied chapter 27 . 8/15/2016
A bittersweet story, no doubt. Kudos to you for including the last chapter regarding abusive relationships.
What chapter 11 . 7/11/2016
A boxing ring? Really? Jesus Christ, this story is awful.
smiling smiley chapter 27 . 11/10/2015
Marjulie chapter 27 . 9/15/2015
This is one of the two stories on FP that I've read that touches on bullying in romantic relationship. I think you did a good job touching on the fact that bullying is symptom of a much larger problem. How the story unraveled was ultimately realistic and I'm glad that in the end she saw that by staying with Trevor she would be dragged down with him because he refuses to change.

While I was reading, the soundtrack of the story to me was 'Pocket full of sunshine' by Hedley. It's sort of appropriate for the story mostly because I do believe that Ariana and Trevor sincerely did have feeling for each other but it just wasn't meant to be. But anyway, whenever I hear that song I think of this story.
Heise chapter 27 . 3/2/2015
Oops, I got the name wrong in my other review, this is Torment without the -ed...
Anywho I thought I should drop a word here too since I let slip I did read this hehe

I totally agree with your last message D: I thought Ariana was the most sensible and relatable girl. And I definitely respect her and hope that I am as sensible as her. The dude was clearly crazy, and a girl's gotta love herself enough to find someone who will be healthy for you... I'm so glad her dad was so supportive and loved her enough to hide her away from the psycho ex... he was really cute in the beginning, but I think everything went in the right way in your story.

Good job! 3
Kebee chapter 11 . 2/8/2015 much whet
furrylover86 chapter 26 . 1/8/2015
I like this story.
furrylover86 chapter 25 . 1/8/2015
YAYAYAYYAYAYAYAY! She found love again and this time its safe and for real! Go A&A! Go A&A!
furrylover86 chapter 24 . 1/8/2015
I can't believe she went over there. But at least she finally sees how he really is.
furrylover86 chapter 22 . 1/8/2015
Thank God he will be away from her for awhile. He changed her soo much and she didn't even know it.
furrylover86 chapter 21 . 1/8/2015
I hope she leaves him for this. He had no reason not to trust her.
furrylover86 chapter 20 . 1/8/2015
HE DIDN'T! Did he? Trevor didn't hurt James did he? The JERK!
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