Reviews for Auld Lang Syne
Mithium chapter 1 . 6/24/2022
Good forward for more.
JadeliketheGem chapter 15 . 3/25/2022
Hello dear-llama,

It’s been so long since I left my last review! I’m glad Tamy survived after things seemed really tense in Chapter 14.

Lux is very attentive to Wolf, and Wolf was the one who persuaded Lux to share the remote. But when he put his arm around her, she shrugged him off. Is Wolf in unrequited love? Are Lux and Wolf in the second secret relationship in the group? I thought Wolf was just as nasty as the girls, but look at him, making compromises to keep the peace and even cracking jokes! He’s still onto Tamy and Nik, but he may be an ally to their relationship instead of an enemy.

Lux and Tamy fighting in high school over the movie is interesting, because we’re getting more info on both Lux’s flaws and Tamy’s flaws. Tamy is more aware of her flaws when they impact Nik than when they impact Lux. Because of her positive relationship with Nik, she may be more open to reflecting about her part in the conflict. Tamy was wrong to forget her promise to Lux, and Lux was wrong for giving Tamy the silent treatment for a month.

Tamy is conflicted because she wants to hide their relationship (moving away from Nik on the floor, pretending to leave Nik’s place) but she doesn’t want Nik to be such a good liar that he could fool her. Nik’s lying triggers her because of the breakup. It’s gonna be interesting seeing Nik making an effort with Ansel, maybe that will help her trust him.

Tamy and Nik had an interesting conversation about hate, given that I called Nadine and Lux hateful in my last review. I’m a pessimist, so I agree with Tamy given how we’ve seen the girls act. However, I do believe that if the women talk and air their grievances, they may be able to recover the friendship.
dress chapter 14 . 11/8/2021
Whoop, another chapter! I say this as though you’ve just dropped it and the email alerting me to it hasn’t been sitting unread in my inbox for over a month :D

As always, I love the writing and how complex the characters feel. I definitely get what you mean about having a new view on relationships, and I can absolutely see that reflected in this story! Before I ever had a relationship, I was incredibly naive about love, despite all the reading I’ve done. That relationship turning out pretty toxic honestly made me realise so much...

It’s crazy to think about how much I’ve changed as a person since I first came across this story? Like, I’d just started uni and now, like Tamy, I’m also working on my thesis (I’ll be done in 2 weeks!). Wild. That’s part of what makes you still working on this so school, it really lets me reflect on myself and how my views have shifted. So thank you, and keep it up!
JadeliketheGem chapter 14 . 10/20/2021
Hello llama, I hope you feel recharged from your vacation! Sorry to hear you got sick.

Tamy and Nik were having a cute bonding moment over the cream cheese dip, and even shared another kiss! The conversation about their past and Ansel could have ended badly, but they were communicating civilly.

Wolf noted that Tamy was early twice, and he stares at her when she isn’t doing anything. He’s clearly suspicious, and he’s trying to press Tamy for more info. Good on Tamy for seeing through him and not giving in.

Nik wants to show everyone at the dinner - including Tamy - that he is on Tamy’s side. While that is a good thing, it’s easy for him to not care about what the others think when they aren’t being rude to him. Nadine is mad that Nik didn’t offer her a beer and did want to use her key ring to open his beer, but she takes that anger out of Tamy, as if Tamy can control him.

Now Lux has joined the party, and she seems just as hateful as Nadine. With Ansel nowhere to be seen, this is going to be quite a tense dinner for Tamy.

Thanks for the new chapter,
JadeliketheGem chapter 13 . 6/3/2021
I re-read Auld Lang Syne last night, and it blew me away all over again. You have a fantastic writing style, it's a delight to the eyes. The characters and the relationships feel so real and flawed and fleshed out, I love theorizing what will happen next, especially with other reviewers.

I'm not sure I can go through all the previous chapters, so let me just start here. Nik and Tamy have finally kissed. You would think that if Nik wants Tamy back so badly, he'd stop pushing for group outings, since everyone else in the group wants them separated. Nik has an optimism streak, and thinks that he can save the relationship and friend group - even though one may be at the cost of another. It's cool how you incorporate these different things like kintsugi and Humpty Dumpty in a poignant way.

Now Tamy, why are you interested in Ansel's sperm? I'm glad Tamy wants to reflect on the past, specifically her friendships, as there are many things to learn and improve on. Ansel can stand with Tamy while still understanding that she can be wrong.

Ansel and Nik were besties for a reason, they have similar views on things like love, and views on who to love...Yes, the movie moments don't happen in real life, but Ansel can't complain about how pervasive those images are then try his best to replicate them. Why is he not going after the girls who don't want those gestures? Him doing those things because the girls want doesn't sound chivalrous, it sounds like he just does things to get in their good graces or their pants. I get what Tamy is saving - you want guys to do those gestures for you because they want to do that for you, because their love moves them to.

Eventually, Ansel will find out that Tamy lied, and Tamy will find out that Ansel has feelings for her. And if she doesn't know whether she should choose Ansel or Nik, or whether she loves Nik or not...this will be painful for everyone.

I think Tamy is torn between Nik and Ansel, her head says Ansel but her heart says Nik. Ansel and Nadine both claim to have other love interests, but I think their hearts are with Tamy and Nik respectively. Nik seems to have his heart with Tamy, but I do think he's eyeing Lux and Nadine. Lux seems to want Nik, but she also seems to be more compatible with Wolf - they say the same things and they spend a lot of time together. Wolf seems like a solitary creature, but I think he wants Lux. Those are just my feelings, I don't know what other readers ship or suspect will happen.

Thanks for the new chapter,
Guest chapter 13 . 5/29/2021
still trying very hard to like nik but idk. Also if the cost is abseils friendship then the cost is too high. Just my two cents
dress chapter 13 . 5/23/2021
Well this is a blast from the past! I haven’t read anything on Fictionpress in a few years. Life and uni just caught up with me, but I’m so glad I’ve come back to this story because it’s still as intriguing and interesting as I found it before. Since I last read it, I’ve experienced a relationship of my own, and now my perspective is slightly different. Funny how that happens.

Anyway, I can’t wait to read more! Thank you for still writing and not abandoning this project!
yaraaaa chapter 12 . 3/27/2021
Glad you updated! This chapter gave me mixed feelings. On one hand, I am quite happy that they kissed but on the other hand I have a feeling that this kiss won’t have a good ending. I feel like Tamy does need a lot of growing to do and Nik just has to be patient enough to wait for her to learn from her own mistakes. I really like the dynamics between them and I can’t wait to see what you will show us later on. Great chapter. See you next month!
Guest chapter 12 . 3/27/2021
Idk how I feel about this. And I really don’t want Amstel to be mad at her. She had no one and nick really did hurt her and if ansel backs off now IS GON SUCK
Guest chapter 11 . 3/22/2021
Reviewing to make the writer write more :D
Love this story.
Read it all in one go.
Please update soon.
Also Ugh love ansel.
Can’t decide who I want her to be with more.
But they seem to be just friends.
Guest chapter 11 . 3/22/2021
I’m a little sad. I really liked tang but these revelations are making it seem like it was all her fault.
She ignored luxe’s problems.
Expected too much of nik.
Lied to Ansel.
Didn’t bother explaining anything to nadine.
Like what where is this going.
Finding it hard to like the mc.
Waiting for the character redemption arc :/
AnonOnThefence chapter 11 . 2/21/2021
Omggg yayyyy. First of all so excited to be replied. :p also who am I kidding. I reread the entire thing the minute you updated. Can’t wait for the next update.
Also im curious what feels juvenile about tamy and nik? Also I really really don’t want Tamy to befriend luc again. A friend that isn’t by your side when you most need them isn’t a friend at all. :
Guest chapter 11 . 2/21/2021
Gasp. Holding my breath
Guest chapter 11 . 2/20/2021
Wow great chapter, can’t wait to read the next one!
Guest chapter 11 . 2/12/2021
Happy lunar new year! What a nice surprise today haha, I’m honestly so glad you’re updating this story again! I can’t wait for the next chapter, hope they talk it out .
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