Reviews for On the Verge
Otakuami chapter 1 . 10/18/2020
It's all about choices, the little girl lusted for the king but know that it isn't enough to keep them together. Even though it was the tough decision to make at the beginning, the little girl realised it was the best one she made at that time.
SnoQueen chapter 1 . 12/29/2016
Wow that was a lovely story! Definitely not an ending I was expecting, but I liked it coz you didn't make the main characters end up together! Great stuff, look forward to reading more of your work! (:
truh chapter 1 . 7/9/2015
A really beautiful piece that needs more attention! How you laid out everything from beginning to end so perfectly within a one-shot is indescribable! I just love Kate so much and how strong she is. The story about the king, queen, and the lost little girl is probably my favorite part because it basically summarizes the story so beautifully. 3 Other than that, I only notices a few awkward sentences that needs rewording. Anyways! keep writing and stay awesome! (:
heal me forever chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
Beautiful 3
LightASpark chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
An unexpected ending but it felt like like the right fit for the characters.
primordial.soup chapter 1 . 7/4/2014
Love this story! It was very well written and I enjoyed every second when I was reading it. The princess story at the end was the cutest... Kate would be the world's greatest mom when she has her own baby with Ian. I loved the reappearance Ellie and Eric as well - they're the sweetest, goofiest couple. 3

Great story and keep up the awesome writing!

Swati chapter 1 . 7/4/2014
Never expected it to end this way XD
Really loved it,it was realistic and very well written,also I would love to see more of Ian and Kate,but more than that I would LOVE TO SEE A FLUFFY IRIS AND WILL ONESHOT!
DragonOwl chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
I really love this. It is amazing - I didn't expect the outcome of her finding another guy so quickly, but I'm glad for her that she did. I like the way she's a fully dimensional character - we get to see all the sides to her, good and bad. I was upset that Claire died - she seemed so nice! but I did like your message that we should enjoy everything we have at the moment.
TheLilyMaid chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
Hey, I really liked the story! Now I'm going to have to check put you other fics. Good luck :))