Reviews for Rules to Kill By |
Eire chapter 13 . 3/11/2015 Short but i like it. There isn't much to say except that i'll be waiting eagerly to read the next chap. |
MileyRowling chapter 13 . 3/9/2015 Great work! I really liked it! |
Inala chapter 13 . 3/7/2015 Not as twisted and demented as I feared at least in this chapter. I honestly didn't see any grammar or any other mistakes. I hope others catch them if I'm missing them. He will soon get his wish, one assassin hand delivered, along with everybody else... almost... that he wants to hurt. I'm biting my nails until the next chapter. Personally and of course other than the emotional intelligence that they both lack that he's weak over this vicky at least physically. I'm wondering if she's a plant because i can't imagine daddy approving of Elizabeth as his assassin and wife in the future that seems to break rule 1. Another great job! |
Ulsindhe chapter 13 . 3/6/2015 I was excited for Elizabeth to meet Adrian! But then it turns out to be an Adrian chapter! Excitedly waiting for the next one. Keep up the good work. |
the unknown anon chapter 13 . 3/6/2015 Wow! Imagine my surprise, not having read Chapter eleven yet and seeing Chapter Twelve already posted. It made my day :) Thank you. This chapter was a bit uneventful, so I guess you're planning to have the next chapter filled with heat. How will Adrian react after seeing Elizabeth imprisoned? How will they meet? Will they even meet? How will Elizabeth plan their escape to Preydexco? What will Jaden think? First off, I love the way you started this chapter. Getting inside Adrian's head gives me an insight on what will happen next. If he was asked to save a life: his father or Elizabeth, we'd all know the answer. If Elizabeth asked him to help her kill his master, we'd all know his answer. I'm look forward to the next chapter. Take your time. Of course, we all want it to be mind-blowing, but it's all up to you. No pressure. |
AlysonSerenaStone chapter 13 . 3/6/2015 I really liked this Adrian chapter! I was so excited to see both an update and to see that it was from Adrian's point of view! It is just simply so well written. I really do feel kind of sorry for and do not blame him for the way he acts, given who his father is. Great work! |
Celestial Rogue chapter 13 . 3/6/2015 Gaaasp! You updated so soon! What a pleasant surprise! I must admit, despite his "promiscuous tendencies," Adrian is really growing on me. He didn't get much time in the spotlight in RTDB, and in what little screen time he has had between now and then, I have mostly viewed his actions in a negative light. However, I love that here in RTKB we're getting a glimpse into his head. Seeing him fight back and forth with his conscience is really touching, especially when Elizabeth (of all people) is his solid ground. And I haven't forgotten the times when he has gone out of his way to do good, like when he killed the female rebel rather than let the guards abuse her a few chapters back. Good job, Adrian you little perv. Ooooh lordie the President is torturing him. It's always a "treat" to see the Prez in action. Also, interesting that Adrian is chained up differently. These gritty scenes are the worst and the best. They're very intense (not gory-more stressful/taxing), but I think these dark scenes are what best describe the kind of world Nick, Rick, Lizzie and Adrian have lived in. And they do the best job of painting the Tower (and everything it stands for) in a very twisted and broken way. True, they're sometimes difficult to get through, but that is only because I really care about what the characters are enduring. They're rough and dark, and that's just the way they should be. Keep them. These moments between Adrian and his dad are really tense. I'm just waiting for Adrian to up and punch him in the jaw one day. Poor Adrian is filled with so much hate...sounds like someone needs a hug. "No, Son, I have never told you everything. You have just become much more observant recently." Wow. I like this line. The President is so mysterious and intense, yet breakable at the same time. I'm surprised how much he relies on Adrian and Elizabeth. He puts a lot of faith in them. (I think Adrian has become more observant because Elizabeth isn't around to distract him.) AAAAAAA NO! WHY? I THOUGHT WE WERE FINALLY GOING TO LEARN THE PRESIDENT'S MASTER PLAN! HOW COULD YOU SKIP THAT PAAAART? Well at least Adrian knows. He knows but he won't say anything. Unghh. I always knew the President was an evil genius. My question is: how is he going to keep Elizabeth safe from the bioweapon? Or maybe he's not? Maybe he'll infect her and right when she's close to death, he'll offer her the vaccine IF she comes back to the Tower and becomes his assassin once more? Then if she says yes, he'll have his assassin back. And if she says no, she'll die and he won't have to worry about her anymore. But would he just throw away the assassin he worked so hard on? He trained her for years to be what she is, and he's getting pretty old. Replacing her seems like a difficult task at this point. My only hope is that Patrick's sudden appearance will halt his plans. I mean, seeing Mikey again completely derailed Elizabeth back at camp 63. Perhaps the President will have a similar meltdown if/when he sees Patrick again? One can hope. Sheldon is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters. He's refreshingly endearing. There are six vials of antidote. That's not many. How many gifteds do we know? Mikey, Jayden, Adrian, Patrick, Gabriella, Mora...that's already six and I didn't even count Elizabeth 'cause I'm banking on her mutant gift being able to save her. Oh dear...the future is bleak... Question: Does the gifted-killing bioweapon affect Prathens? Because I don't want Pax to die :( Ugh Vicky you little viper! Stop trying to seduce Adrian! Can't you see we have more important things to worry about at the moment? She's so creepy. I can't decide whether she's better or worse than Bridget. Bridget wasn't as 'up front' about her desires as Vicky is, but Vicky does seem a bit more capable. Also, I don't think her voice squeals like Bridget's. (But I still wouldn't mind Elizabeth throwing a knife at either of them to be honest.) Gasp! Adrian leaves TODAY. That means the next chapter should be CRAZY. Elizabeth will be fighting Tyler in the freedom-round AND Adrian will arrive. Will Patrick wake up? Will the President end up coming down? Is chaos going to break loose or will Adrian keep quiet? I'm SO excited. This is going to be great (as usual). Vicky is evil. Elizabeth is an angel purified by fire. I'm so excited. |
augmentedDREAMS chapter 13 . 3/6/2015 I love it that you updated so quickly! :D Yes, Adrian is going to Preydexco, and he'll meet Elizabeth there! I can't wait for it. Also I'm so excited to see who Elizabeth has to fight in the final round. Even though the chapter was mostly uneventful I loved it. These really help with the plot development also. I wonder what Adrian is going to do with the vaccines. Is he plotting against his father? |
Eire chapter 12 . 3/4/2015 Ugh, i hate jayden. He's too annoying. Can't you like kill him? John's character is growing on me and i'm liking him more than i did in book 1. I'm missing Adrian and the president. I really really liked this chap but ugh, how do i say this nicely? The chaps from book 1 were much much more exciting than book 2. There was a lot more drama, angst, action. Please, don't get offended. I'm not saying this book's horrible. But it's too slow for me. But i'll still read and wait for updates because i really love the chars and the plot. |
kiwi.boba chapter 12 . 3/4/2015 GAAAAHHH SOOOO GOOD. Can't wait to read the next update! I'm having a heart attack over here |
Celestial Rogue chapter 12 . 3/3/2015 DANG IT ELIZABETH YOU SCREWED THINGS UP AGAIN. I DON'T CARE HOW SUGGESTIVE JAYDEN'S COMMENTS GET-LEARN TO KEEP YOUR BEAUTIFUL MOUTH SHUT. (you know I didn't mean that baby I love you) Oookay let's start from the beginning. She pictures the Prez holding a gun to her head. So she is definitely becoming aware of how messed up their relationship is, and is even feeling some RESENTMENT towards him. She tries to fight it, but the realization is there. Round of applause for Elizabeth! (I still want their relationship to be fixed though. Group therapy with the guys. That would be a blast. Make it happen, Miss Fay) Interesting bit about the number system (a detail that proves to be very important at the end of the chapter uuuungh). Jayden seems very loyalty-focused. I bet he's a spy or something. Love the fight scene! It's so nice to see Elizabeth "operating" without her gift. Seeing blood-stained, battle-weary Lizzie is, in a word, thrilling. Wow. Jayden is almost as creepy as Adrian. Almost. Little pervs. I love the relationship between John and Elizabeth. And somehow, I don't think her ability to kill will phase him very much-he's too loving. Besides, he's always called her Elizabeth rather than Lizzie. Maybe in a way, he always knew she was dark and messed up (after all, he knew she was the President's Assassin from the moment they met). Lol Elizabeth had poor Finn about to wet himself. I like the idea of her being 'born in hell.' It works for me. Rant Warning Okay look here's the problem: I want to like Ethan. I really do. I want to ship him with Elizabeth and imagine their happily-ever-after. But despite how much screen-time Ethan has received over the past book, I still can't really identify his character. At least, not with the kind of depth I expected, considering he is a main character AND the main love interest. I don't know why he likes Elizabeth so much. What reason does he have to like Elizabeth other than the fact that she's a sexy beast? He helped her "take her first breath of life," so to speak, and it's true that he can read her like a book, but I just don't see enough of an emotional bond being formed. Adrian and Elizabeth went through hell together. Patrick and Elizabeth, as assassins, understand each other like no one else ever could. The President led Elizabeth through her crazy childhood and made her strong. People like Jared and Rose have always been there to support Elizabeth through thick and thin. Ethan? To me, Ethan is just a brooding leader who, like Elizabeth, is still trying to figure things out. He just hasn't developed enough (in my mind) to be a love interest for our angel Elizabeth. That being said, I welcome any extra screen time he might be given. I truly want to understand him. I'm just not at that point yet. Thank You For Sitting Through This Rant. Your Patience Is Appreciated On with the story. Jayden is being suspiciously friendly. Man, he really reminds me of Adrian the way he hounds Elizabeth everywhere she goes. Is he flirting with her? Geez who isn't flirting with Elizabeth at this point. I love this book. "...I may not be able to use my Gift when I'm in my cell or handcuffed, but it doesn't seem to affect my quick healing. IT ALMOST MAKES ME WONDER." THIS. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT LINE IN HERE AND NOTHING YOU SAY CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. I do not think this line was an accident. I have believed for awhile now that Elizabeth's life-gift is severely underdeveloped, and that she has much more potential on that side of things. And with the President's gifted-exterminating virus on the horizon, any special traits not directly tied to Elizabeth's gift could be very important in saving her life. Just a thought. Extremely important line though. Beautifully crafted fight scene, as per usual. I loved seeing Elizabeth adapt to the challenging opponent. Using sounds Elizabeth knows well (like winding up for a punch) was very creative. IMPORTANT NOTE: When 234 hits the wall, the barrier goes out for a second. That's it. That's the ticket out of the prison. I'm calling it. Next chapter, something's happening with the fence. Ethan hallucination? What? Is this some kind of gifted magic, or did she really hit her head that hard? Either way it was strange. I love how she takes off her shirt to kill him. Not only is it logical, considering her gift requires skin contact, but it just nails in her confident sexiness-the kind of confidence that is crucial to her character. Oh dang she really did screw herself, didn't she. She just lost her power-play over Jayden AND indirectly gave away her identity as the assassin. Elizabeth does not have the gift of foresight. Let's hope Jayden likes her enough to keep his squealing mouth shut. Lol Jared got cut off AGAIN. Is this going to be a thing now? I don't think he's gotten a word in edgewise since chapter eight. Poor guy. Finn was about to pee himself dealing with a darkness-filled Elizabeth. That's twice in one chapter. Makes you appreciate how unflinching Patrick was in the face of Elizabeth's darkness. Aww Jayden steadied her when she was about to pass out. That was surprisingly cute. Jayden seems like he could be swayed to the good side. I hope he joins team Lizzie. Woahwoahwoah never mind he is waaay too close to Elizabeth. Take a step BACK, honey. There's plenty of air in the prison-no need for you to go breathing Lizzie's. You're lucky Adrian isn't here yet or he'd be strangling you with shadows. EXCUSE ME NO. NO. YOU CAN'T JUST END A CHAPTER LIKE THIS. Prisoner 543 from cellblock H...The ring that Elizabeth twirled when she said she would kill anyone is the same ring Tyler gave her in Sector One. His number is right after hers, implying he arrived with her. And his blue eyes are a dead give away. It's Tyler. He's a healer, not a fighter! Ugh...we've got a rough ride ahead of us. Nice long chapter! I like it! Next update will be from Adrian's POV. I wonder if he'll finally go to Preydexco and see Jayden moving in on his girl. I look forward to more! |
Inala chapter 12 . 3/3/2015 Um what can I say other than oh no?! I wonder about her power and think, well of course you weren't filled with darkness this time you were fighting for your life but I could be wrong. I would love a full list of Patrick's rules. She's always doing them piece meal, but I know you'll give them to me eventually. I loved her vision of Ethan. It was so moving and probably so true. I hate how she says, still that they were pretending, she might have been, but I really don't think he was. I enjoyed this as always and I'm a little panicked that the next chapter will be about adrian. I can imagine him leaning over the pit yelling to her, but that's a little too romantic for him... and her relationship. Can't wait until next time, I started reading rules to die by again, and it's just as good the second time around. Here are my edits: Finn talking about what John said says "everything thing" and then 2 paragraphs down fourth sentence actually should be actual. Such great work! |
AlysonSerenaStone chapter 12 . 3/3/2015 Oh, I cannot wait to find out what happens next! I have been checking and checking for an update and was so excited to see that you updated. I love the fight scenes and I was so just caught up in them that I did not want them to end! Great work and looking forward to the next chapter! |
MileyRowling chapter 12 . 3/3/2015 Nice work! I was so happy to see that you updated! |
xoxokristen chapter 12 . 3/3/2015 So, I guess it is Ethan in the ring? That could complicate things. Don't keep us waiting too long! |