Reviews for Genevieve
Ishotthealbatross chapter 1 . 7/4/2015
This was one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. I'm not quite sure what to make of it though :D
TPot chapter 1 . 3/28/2015
Hullo :)
So this was great. I don't wanna analyze it too much coz
a) it's three in the morning
b) and i don't have any analytical skills at all.

so just wanted to say that it's well-written, a bit weird.
it's confusing at times, i guess that was your intention. and it works, i guess.
to me, it wasn't very clear that enzo was still alive (?) I think i missed a lot but i assumed that if enzo HAD killed himself, it would have lent some sense to all the stuff he was spouting during sex.
but i guess i missed something.

anyhow, cheers.
maybe i'll re-read this when i'm not feeling quite so sleepy.
Aki1 chapter 1 . 5/26/2014
(for RG Depth :3)

I must've tried three different times to start typing up this review, only to read what I'd written, frown, and bash in my Backspace key. I guess I just don't know where to start! There are a lot of things I want to say, but for some reason I'm struggling to put them into words. In any case, I can tell you for sure that the writing is beautiful - *achingly* beautiful, if I had to be more precise. It's very sensory, and not just in the places that you would expect (heh), but really everywhere. I love the attention you gave to tastes and smells in particular; if I'm not wrong, these are the tastes most closely associated with memory, and the way Pip regularly notices all these things makes it all the more intimate than it already is.

So, Pip. He's really kind of got it bad, eh? I've met people like him; I feel like *I* might have been him, about a few years ago. He makes himself so vulnerable and doesn't even really realize that he's doing so. He does show some moments of self-awareness - some of his introspection about Nicky, and his thoughts at Enzo's place before the fun starts - but I don't think he realizes just how much of a problem it is. Until, you know, the end happens, and he *does* (I hope). That said, he has a wry humor to him ('check for corpse in the morning,' haha) which adds an edge to his character that I enjoyed.

Pip and Nicky are... intriguing XD for lack of a better word. I say this because we're given these little hints and teases, but nothing is ever explicitly clarified. For all that he jokes around, Nicky's protective streak and how he genuinely looks out for Pip in the end really made him shine. Also, this: "Love's a razor beneath your skin. It's sick. It's bone-rot." Have to quote this because I really love this line. Anyway, I digress: to be honest, I feel like we see slightly less of Nicky, but I got to relate to him more than I did Enzo. More than anything (and this may totally be just me, so feel free to ignore haha) I feel like 'Enzo' in this story is the sum total of his beauty and his obsession, his dark-and-twistiness, his insistence that Pip is 'hollow', his eccentricity. That's totally fine with me, too, because he dances in and out of Pip's life in 6,000 words and maybe that's enough. It's Pip and Nicky in the beginning and Pip and Nicky in the end, and that's all well and good.

To close, this was a lovely, lovely piece with themes that resounded very strongly with me. This idea that you can't really know love unless you've known heartbreak (and how this also works for any opposing emotion-pair you can find) really *works* for me. It's easy to throw out 'I love you's' when they don't mean anything, and the reverse is also true. So, too, is how things don't have to be bright and happy to be beautiful; sad things can be things of beauty too, and I think you achieved that threefold here: Enzo and Pip's little 'fling', Enzo himself (pretty, twisty Enzo), and this story as a whole. The ending... well, I wouldn't say it was a *happy* one, but it was the better choice, and works much better as a whole.

So yeah, I think I love this story. And not in a meaningless, hollow way at all :3.
alltheeagles chapter 1 . 5/25/2014
For the RG EF

I like the mood that you set up, kind of tentative and brassy all at once, like the newly-turned 21 guy at a bar trying to look like he belongs there and gets picked up, like, all the time, man... Pip is so polite it makes my teeth hurt like I’ve sucked on an ice cube (yes, I need a good dentist). And yet that makes him really attractive too, in an apologetic Brit kinda way.
I also like the undertones between Nicky and Pip that are suggested but never confirmed, and in fact, I find this aspect much more interesting than Enzo’s weirdness and obssession. The latter is all inside his head, but what is between Nicky and Pip is real and tangible. So I’m all for this relationship rather than the other one. In that sense, this isn’t really a love rectangle then, is it? Cause if it were then Nicky should be feeling something for Enzo too, or Pip for Genevieve, or something...
Jitterbug Blues chapter 1 . 5/18/2014

There. I need to start the review like this. Because. This is insane and lovely. And beautiful. I'm not even bothering to type into Word first, because I just want to give you my thoughts as they are (uncensored, he :D). So I gave myself a few days to read this, because I was mostly sick and sullen lately, and I'm still sick and sullen, but I've been craving good old slash that has a) good writing and b) hot sex. You fulfilled both requirements more than well enough :D :D

So anyhow, this is gorgeously written. I can't tell just *how*: you have such a unique way of wording things in this exquisite manner that is delicate, bizarre and very creative. Take how you described Enzo's body, for example: the comparisons you drew were not cliches at all, and I re-read that paragraph a couple of times because a) gorgeous and b) insta-inspiration. I feel like writing honestly, and that only happens to me when I really come across a very, very good author *_*. But there were so many other things I loved too: like the little Britishism, you referring to Enzo as a 'frog' and other descriptions that I'd point out if FP wasn't a wanker. Just you write so beautifully. I'm in love with this piece 333

What I kind of like about this piece is how, thematically, it's about loving someone you can't seem to get, or loving everyone too much. I'm not going to try and analyse this, because I think there are several ways to read this, but I got this from it: Pip is in love with Nick, who's in love with him (sort of), but he also sleeps around because that's his way of life (which I see nothing wrong with). The whole Guinevere thing stands as a metaphor for how Pip can't have Nick, and Enzo just shows shows him how he *hollow* but also heart-broken. I'd have to read this again to decide though 33. But I find this piece very interesting, because it is so much more than just two boys going out to have sex. And you need to read between the lines to find out why - fascinating, messed up and so much fun :D

In that manner, I really liked the ending, because it was dark,. and a bit sobering. And very beautiful in its own way. I wish I could say something more brilliantly insightful, but that's really what I think: this piece is beautiful and strange, and something that I'd really like to see more of *_*.

Your smut is hot. I won't say anything else but that. I kind of just want to re-read it again, because it has all the right details and just the right amount of fucked-up to be really erotic. I think what enhanced the whole thing for me is how you paid attention to the setting, made it clear that they were drugged and also build-up very well to that scene (that includes Guinevere touching herself 333). Just first-class smut.

So, I really want to write more myself. More smutty stuff that I can put up on FP. You inspired me :3 Not that I think it will happen, because I mostly suck, and would only write about Niel and rentboys, but XDDD. Still, you inspired me and that's really something.

Thanks so much for sharing!
tstul006 chapter 1 . 5/16/2014
So I read this like three hours after you posted it because I'm a totes stalker... :) lol. I've been thinking about it a lot these last few days. (All self reflective like in the car line picking up the kid.)

Pip reminds me a lot of me. I usually fall in love with people like five seconds after meeting them. Seriously, I married my hubby three months after meeting him. :)

Enzo was so much fun I feel in love with him just like Pip did. I was sad that he was trying to damper Pips love of the world. It's never worked for me. I've had many broken hearts but I'd never change the way I was. I trust easy and I love easy and... well it's possible I'm easy in other ways as well. (hehe)

So.. kissing cousins hmm... lol. I loved Nicky he was such a dirty and bad boy. (My favorite kind. :))

Anyway, really loved it. I've honestly got no complaints... other than I wish you'd post more beautiful stories like these. :)

Tst. :)