Reviews for Chasing Pavements
PatGo chapter 1 . 4/23/2021
Great start! I'd like to see how this is going to turn out. You know what, you can join NovelStar's writing competition.
Shailaputri chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 4/28/2017
Omg! Great start. More please!
an aquatic unicorn chapter 1 . 11/27/2015
This is so super cute and I love it! Great job!
Blue Rose Ink chapter 1 . 8/12/2015
Oh my goodness. This was so cute!
sierrak1331 chapter 1 . 10/28/2014
I think you should expand on this and turn it into a real story, it seems like it could go somewhere.
toffeema chapter 1 . 9/16/2014
cute. :)
Lake Effect chapter 1 . 8/14/2014
So cute Absolutely loved it!
rinaslily chapter 1 . 7/11/2014
Awww! This was so cute! I love how Chase was so kind and got along so well with Lucy. This fuels my fantasies of ever running into some hot celebrity (pun intended) and then getting asked out. I really want a sequel!
AlysonSerenaStone chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
Wonderful one shot! I love the idea of an normal girl with a famous person! I loved this story and I thought it was really cute. I did see a couple of grammar issues, but nothing major. Great work!
my princess ending chapter 1 . 6/24/2014
That was cute. Like really really cute. I love how Chase was so gentle towards her and how Lucy handled the situation and all. They click so well and I'm dying to read more about them because they seem like a couple that is worth reading about.
Julietish chapter 1 . 6/23/2014
Hello, it’s Juliet from ADoR! Thanks for participating in Star-Cross’d this round. The title definitely caught my attention, so good choice! This was a cute story. Who wouldn’t want to happen upon a celebrity? Their connection happened instantly, and that was great to witness. That being said, there are a few lines that could be fixed a bit: “memories of the collide and the concussion” could stand to lose the ‘the’ in front of concussion. For “Wait you filled my prescription” should end in a question mark and have a comma after ‘wait.’ I certainly hope you find yourself inspired by future SC prompts!
Harmony'sLoveHP chapter 1 . 6/12/2014
I liked your story. I did, however, find several mistakes in capitalization and commas and such. A few of your sentences were fragments that could have been linked together with a comma and a transition word. I like your take on the picture though. It was a sweet, romantic story. Nice work.
DreamWriter10 chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
Pretty cute story, good job! One tip would be to not use abbreviations (such as ave) in your writing. Other than that I liked it. :)
Thehairyleg chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
This was a well written story. But there were parts that I had to laugh at, like all the "THE Chase Harrisons" and how the main characters fall for each other so quickly. Why do they even like each other, that wasn't very clear, because they're both so beautiful? Haha! I was also shocked to see that she let him into her apartment without knowing him and taking a pill he gave her. I know he's famous, but
still. The ending felt a little incomplete too.

I loved how you incorporated the song chasing pavements into the story. It was done in a playful joking manner that felt real. The interactions between her and THE Chase Harrison were cute and showed how comfortable they were with each other. Good job!
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