Reviews for Patience
Lake Effect chapter 1 . 2/27/2015
This is so great, I love it :)
SnowFaith chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
That was so cute! x3 And it was also M/M; bonus! cx

Okay, THAT aside, this was so creative! Your soulmate's first words as a tattoo? I freaking WISH! xD I like how Louis is so hopeful whenever somebody asks for the udon, only to have his hope crushed every single time; and then when the right one DOES come along, it ends up with Louis shouting profanities. That was a nice touch, my dear friend. A very nice ending. xD
The girl in the beginning seemed like a pretty snobby one. Ugh, so glad she wasn't Louis' soulmate... But then again, opposites DO attract... NO. *shudder* I had a feeling she was gonna get rejected (read: not gonna be the one) anyway.
The first guy didn't even have a chance of being the one, right? I mean, the tattoos had to match... Plus, his personality didn't seem quite right with Louis' own. They didn't seem very compatible to me... This coming from someone who's never even matchmaked (yes, that is totally a word. Not.) before!
Now for Quinn. I liked him from the very moment you mentioned his entrance. I mean, c'mon, third time's the charm, right? And I nearly squealed when you described him a little more! He seems like an adorable little guy! x3 To think he had such a thing written on him though! LOL xD
Anyway, I hope those two have a good life together. They seem like they're meant for each other - tattoos aside. Also, I see that cheesy thing you did at the end. It was a good kind of cheesy though; it was a great ending to the fluffy little story. This one is definitely going to my faves! :D I really enjoyed this!
Kasheay chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
This is really, really sweet. It reminds me of a 'Paris, Je T'aime'-esque short film clip (sorry if you aren't familiar: it's a movie composed of shorts about love!). Your writing also flows really well, and I'm intrigued about how this universe works. I *did* feel that it moved pretty quickly, especially between Louis seeing Quinn and the end of the story, but other than that I enjoyed reading. :)
Amber chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
Wow this is such a good idea omg I love it so much and you're writing, as usual, was on point. The writing on the arms is so cool and I found it really funny how original their text was! I love this.
Lily chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
Oh my goodness, THIS IS AMAZING! :'D I LOVE IT! :') The concept is just so genius and then all the humour! I love that danny zuko's tattoo was 'hello sexy' and then Quinn's tattoo XD ahhh, just too good!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
a really sweet idea written beautifully :-)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
Eeeeeee so cute 3 so beautifully written too! Well done