Reviews for Strange Liaisons
Vaxili chapter 1 . 2/26/2020
Thank god I found it again! I've had some mental health stuff and had been unable to write for a few years, but I am just getting over the blockage in my head and was re-reading one of my own story (only had 2 chapters done) that had been inspired by this one, and I desperately needed to find and read Strange Liasons again! Was tricky without remembering the title, but I'm so glad I managed it .

This is such an amazing piece of literary art. I'm absolutely looking forward to enjoying reading it all over again :)
Guest chapter 23 . 5/7/2015
I just realized that Emery was giving him a blow job. Hahaha.
SlashLover chapter 23 . 2/23/2015
Spectacular story. I absolutely loved it. I though I could predict how shit was gonna go down, but I was very very wrong. The climax of this story when everything went sideways was so exciting.

Thanks so much for this. Just completely loved it.

Daniel.Stone127 chapter 23 . 1/11/2015
YES! YESYESYES! Absolutely wonderful from start to finish. It's now half-past midnight and I'm off to check out your other stories to bookmark the ones I think I'll like ;)
Daniel.Stone127 chapter 21 . 1/11/2015
Okay... You may live... *Eyes you warily* For now...
Daniel.Stone127 chapter 20 . 1/11/2015

Sorry... Revert to Russian or French when angry. You're a bastard. He better not bloody die or I will hunt you down... :/
Daniel.Stone127 chapter 10 . 1/11/2015
Oh my god. Scott and Emery's conversation is the highlight of my week. I want more of that :P Hilarious.
Daniel.Stone127 chapter 8 . 1/11/2015
Haha. Absolutely amazing. You are consistently amazing :)
Daniel.Stone127 chapter 6 . 1/11/2015
Aww. Poor Emery. Loving this story :)
Daniel.Stone127 chapter 4 . 1/10/2015
This is actually so amazing. Can't wait to see where it goes from here :)
Daniel.Stone127 chapter 2 . 1/10/2015
Had this story bookmarked for ages and didn't even realise. Now I'm wishing I started this sooner. Absolutely amazing so far. Keep up the good work :)
MizuAz chapter 18 . 12/7/2014
I really enjoyed your story! It was well thought-out and nicely put together, like a fun little novel for a long plane ride. It's always so nice to see an author take the time to post regularly, finish a story, and actually give a crap about spelling, grammar, and punctuation! This story had a nice flow, good characters, and a fast plot. I am looking forward to reading the shorts, and the sequel! Oh, you'd asked for recommendations for other good stories? A couple of excellent authors on this site are Cordelia Kingsbridge, Ocotillo, Zebbie, Jumping Jack Flash, and dustmouth, to start. you can look under my favorites list for others, if you'd like! Thanks again for taking such time and care to craft this little gem :)
R. Ficst chapter 23 . 11/27/2014
Love this story! Great characters, great plot and unfolding action. Love the weird aspects to Emery and Kurt. Great development of their relationship. I really enjoyed this read.

Congratulations on completing this, as well. Yes, it is definitely an achievement to post a complete work. Thank you so much for writing and posting.
MacLekich chapter 23 . 11/2/2014
I can't believe we've reached the end! I can only accept it because you've bribed us with the shorts and sequels, haha. This packed a powerful punch indeed. I love how intimate Kurt and Emery are even in their banter, but that their personalities haven't been corrupted for the sake of cuteness. I'm glad you found my reviews helpful, it was a real pleasure to read!
rgrimes8989 chapter 23 . 11/1/2014
Yes Sequel! So excited! I was hoping and hoping you'd say this wasn't the end :) And in the meantime, I think the shorts will be fun and/or insightful, so i look forward to them too!

That Emery and Kurt scene was incredible by the way. And Scott's sarky comments while they're all cute and cuddly is hilarious. I'm glad if my comments helped in any way! Roll on Shorts!
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