Reviews for PV3 - Lilith X Cain
Wee Bean Nighe chapter 13 . 12/6/2014
Absoloutly Shocked that 1 of the Players was her! (Gonna go back to Re-read!) Have to say your very shrewd to give your followers a sort of "New" Gabriel (Azri) with a new back story! I really hope that now your finishing up Gab/Ang 's story you start a New with Azri! (Used to want Donavans, but i like reading bits'N'pieces about him through the other books! Now i would be Thrilled if you gave us Azri's H.E.A!) When i was reading the part where Gabriel told Angie that he wasn't coming home with her my heart dropped away and i felt sick i was so glad Chris stepped in and called it for what it was, (so that it didn't get dragged out) that would of been too gutting to read for poor Angie, He did his big brother job well and that made reading the story even Better (You just have a knack for not writing what others would obviously go for and thats 1 of the things that makes your storys unexpected!) Can't wait for more! I Love what you have created! It puts me through a rollercoaster of emotions!
Wee Bean Nighe chapter 12 . 12/6/2014
Honestly i have no idea where you pull your storys from ? They are totaly unique and like nothing else i've read before! You always manage to have me thinking one thing then shocking me with the truth! (like gabriel actualy being Azreal, then explaining perfectly why he thought that! - I honestly thought Azreal was controlling him somehow!) You dont just create great characters but your storys are Fantastic too! Each chapter is a joy to read but these last few chapters have been your Best, It's been a pleasure following your work and once the masses discover your talent i will be glad to know that i was here at the start! And it's a huge bonus that unlike other fictionpress writers you don't leave us waiting too long on updates!
Wee Bean Nighe chapter 11 . 12/4/2014
Chap 11, Wow! Too tired to review properly so I will read chap 12 13 tonight and review tommorow cos that last chapter was Amazing! But it's late and i wouldn't give it the credit it deserved! REALLY AMAZING!
augmentedDREAMS chapter 13 . 12/4/2014
OMG! The two players! They're Lilith and Angie? O:

BTW, I just remembered, I'm worried about Callie. What did she see? What happened to her? Moreover, what is going to happen next!? You're killing me here! ,
augmentedDREAMS chapter 12 . 12/2/2014
Awwwwwww yisssss XD

So this is the mystery of Azreal and Ga'vriel..-w-

That was so great. Finally they are together. So is it that since Angie can see all truths so she's the only one who can see Azreal with grey skin? And will his eyes ever grow back? D:

And and isn't it that Gabriel can never lie? Because of his... Thing that doesn't let him lie? Dammit, I've forgotten what it's called! XD
augmentedDREAMS chapter 11 . 12/1/2014
OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! I have a million thoughts running through my head but I'm speechless! OMG! I sort of had an idea that maybe they had switched their names (I think I had mentioned it in an earlier review ) but I never thought that that would've REALLY happened! XD Now from next chapter I'd have to be careful to not get confused when you call Gabriel Azreal. XD Manigault was right to call him Azreal, it seems. :D Hm. So it was Gabriel who suggested killing Lilith.

BTW, this new revelation about Angie was just epic! This whole chapter was just epic. BTW, finally now I know what are ghouls. (remember my query from Paris Redux?) Whew, you know when to reveal what. I'm stil buzzing.

By the way, I'm so glad Angie and Azreal are back together. :)
Wee Bean Nighe chapter 10 . 11/18/2014
Hmm, I really want to know what Azri' reaction was to seeing Gabriel too! I definatly Need More, Can't wait for your next chapter!
augmentedDREAMS chapter 10 . 11/18/2014
O: ... O: ... O: ... *speechless*
Wee Bean Nighe chapter 9 . 11/17/2014
Oh Come on that Cliffie was actualy painful to read, It's left me desperate for the next chapter now! Does Angie see Azri as a corpse? And i dunno if it's just because it's late and my own mind is playing tricks or wether it's the way you wrote it because I was seeing Azri a little more effeminate than Gabriel and i kept thinking about what a funny couple Azri and Chris would be? Azri being the stronger of the 2, but who looks weaker and acts more dainty than Chris and Chris all muscled up and oozing masculinity, Along with the fact Chris is quite soft natured and caring but Azri is a little selfish and a bit of a diva sometimes! Maybe it's the time of night but that last chapter had me seeing them as a Cute/Interesting pair! Anyway, Please Update soon I Need More! Love Your Story, T'is Great as Usual!
augmentedDREAMS chapter 9 . 11/17/2014
I dunno what to say. DX I'm just too curious to know what'll happen next. Too absorbed into the story to form something to say. I just want to keep reading... And reading... And reading and get lost in the world of PV. O:
augmentedDREAMS chapter 8 . 10/27/2014
Hehe, Chris. XD

So she knew all the time? O.O BTW, I'm so happy you updated. When I checked my email just now, I accepted it to some random Gaiaonline email and did a double take that it was a PV-3 update. I was like "Hm.. Huh!? HUH!" XD
Wee Bean Nighe chapter 7 . 10/2/2014
Wow! I didn't think your wrighting could get any better and you go prove me wrong! I Love your vision of Vampirism, I Love where your going, the whole Lilith and "The Mark of Cain" thing, The Mystery! There is just too much stuff to write here that makes me really enjoy reading your storys! I have been following your work from the start and Honestly you have gotten So, So much Better at wrighting! Though your work was great from the start (I was a Fan from Book 1) this Story is turning out to be my Fav! Thankyou for sharing your Fantastic Imagination! If you can't tell I really enjoyed that last chapter! Can't wait for more!
augmentedDREAMS chapter 7 . 9/30/2014
Ohh. I wonder what that something is. And OMG! I never would've thought that the Statton family went so back. So could it mean that a Statton had slayed the other two vampire clans? And why are hunters after Vivian. -w-

This was such an awesome chapter. You know how to keep the readers on the edge of their seats. LOL. .

I can't wait to read the next chapter. What'll happen to Gabriel now? He can't die! Dx
Wee Bean Nighe chapter 6 . 9/24/2014
I so love the chess match even though i have no clue whats going on! Though i have my suspicions! And again wether he is good or bad i'm really enjoying reading about Azri! Looking forward to more! I love what you have so far! Your wrighting keeps improving along with your imagination i don't know how you do it! But i'm totaly Hooked!
Wee Bean Nighe chapter 5 . 9/24/2014
Mmm Azri is a total mystery to me and i'm loving it! I love how when you introduce a new character you have them like that so your never sure wether they will turn out goodies or baddies you always keep us guessing before you give us more background! And i'm really really pleased you will continue with other characters! all my Fav authors do that! And you have Fantastic characters to work with!
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