Reviews for Your Smile
Guest chapter 1 . 4/12/2017
What I think? I think Tara should/will find a better man and dump Dylan's ass.. Meh
sad chapter 1 . 7/15/2016
Tara deserves better :(
OscarJLaw chapter 1 . 6/18/2016
Tara deserves someone better then Dylan.

she will always feel like second best to him because of her sister and she doesn't deserve that.

Dylan is just holding her 's what I get from reading both stories.
my princess ending chapter 1 . 4/6/2016
My dear, I cannot be more thankful for this one shot. I had been looking at previous stories I've read and I came across this one. I actually read Fades in the Summer all over again. To find that you've written something to follow up on the ending made me so happy I had to read this as soon as possible. It's so great to finally read something in Dylan's point of view because we know clearly that Tara loves him but does he truly feel the same? At this point I know he does even if he isn't completely over Talia. He never will be and I love that Tara accepts this even if she doesn't like it. I love how they understand each other in such a deep way. I wish they would talk about those issues but their personalities are the way they are. I love how you develop Dylan's character more in this one shot. We can see how he grows as a lover and his thoughts which I never thought would be his thoughts! He blames himself for the accident but it's not his fault. It's not Tara's either because it was a moment of recklessness. To see how both of them are affected by Talia's death even after two years is the norm. I wouldn't have expected anything else. I'm so glad we got to read a little snippet of the future like how Tara and Dylan's relationship progressed. I'm just glad they're happy or as happy as they can be even if it's a better idea for them to split up. You did a great job with this story and this is something I will keep with me for as long as I love someone. Keep writing and doing your thing!
augmentedDREAMS chapter 1 . 3/20/2016
Ah, I don't know wjat to say. It is obvious that they might not work but after reading this I want them to work out. It is like, I don't know. It feels like tjat Tara and Dylan working out is the only salvation. I still don't trust Dylan in his claim that he loves Tara but I want them to be happy together. (Even though they're fictional characters.)

Fades in the Summer and Your Smile might be the best stories I have ever read. I won't be forgetting these any time soon. I am sad that I can't read more of them. These two one-shots were beautiful pieces of work. You should be proud.
kvannezamora chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
Hello, dear-llama! I really like your stories specially this one and Fades in Summer. Could you give me a concrete ending of Dylan and Tara's story? Something that would not leave me hanging? I also hope that it would not be tragic cause I'm much of a romantic too. Thank you :)
SkipperCal3 chapter 1 . 10/23/2015
Dammit this was so beautiful... i am so in awe of this entire Two-part story. I have no words, this story played on my heart strings. I love angst stories but i swear this has been my favourite .EVER!
Sparklingjewel12 chapter 1 . 10/7/2015
Reading both POVs just breaks my heart. Does Tara ever become comfortable with their relationship?
Guest chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
Great story. I'm glad that you wrote in Dylan's POV. It's pretty great knowing what he was thinking.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27/2015
I know you don't really plan on writing a sequel but I would love to read more about Tara becoming more comfortable in her relationship, forgetting the what ifs and realizing that he loves her and it's her who's kept it going. I realize it's always going to be a bit of a struggle for them but I hope they can reach a point in their relationship where they realize that Talia would have been happy for them and glad they found comfort and love in each other's arms when she wasn't there for them. Anyways, I love your writing. You give your characters such in explainable depth. Their struggles and real and they make your readers cheer them on.
truh chapter 1 . 6/27/2015
uggggggghhhhh. Yea... Tara definitely deserves better. My heart hurts so much for her that I just want to give her a hug and take her away from all the shit she is going through. It's so unfair to make her go through the pain just to be with Dylan. I know I'm being biased but he just does not deserve to be with her at all. I understand that Dylan feels broken and lost but I feel that he is just holding her back for his own gain. I'm just speechless now haha xD. Thanks for sharing! Keep writing! (:
daresa09 chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
I wish Tara would walk away . She deserves better .
flanerie chapter 1 . 5/9/2015
I feel so conflicted - all I know is I'm aching for Tara. Dylan is... I have no idea. A massive part of me sympathises with him, cries for him. But a lot of me also wants Tara to move on. He's breaking her, he knows he's breaking her. He know what he does to her, that she will forever feel second to Talia. She deserves to feel like she comes first for once. Beautiful writing, absolutely heartbreaking stories.
flanerie chapter 1 . 5/9/2015
I've read both POVs now and I'm a mess. My heart breaks for the two of them. Utterly, completely broken. I don't think I've reacted so emotionally or so tearfully to a text in a while. Bravo, sir.
The Siege chapter 1 . 4/19/2015
Dylan confuses me to no end. I'm very conflicted about his feelings. I still feel like his love for Tara is more of a "we are the only two people in the world who really understand each other" kind of love, not the pure kind of love Tara has (always had) for him. IDK though, I just really didn't want them to end up together...but at the same time...UGH. And I feel like he was always more cruel to Tara during their explosive arguments than she was to him, simply because he knew all her insecurities and was able to throw them back in her face, which hurt her more than anything she could've thrown at him because she was secretly in love with him. But - AGH. SO DIFFICULT. Whatever, I'm a romantic at heart too, so I can't say I completely hate the "happy" ending. As always, love your writing. :)
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