Reviews for Diabolic Lover
Guest chapter 1 . 11/17/2017
My goodness this one is so hot!
Guest chapter 38 . 11/10/2017
Thank you for coming back! I am so glad to hear this story will be brought to a conclusion. Wishing you all the best for your new future. X
MizzTV chapter 38 . 10/25/2017
Noooo! You haven't finished it! Omg this story is so good!
Hypa To Hell And Back chapter 38 . 10/20/2017
Okay, so, this has taken me about a week to read.

Let me tell you at first I thought this was just going to be crudely written, simple and boring but I am pleasantly surprised. Though simple in some respects with the style of writing the story line it’s self has kept me hooked and intrigued.

The character development is done well. Compared to the way they were at the beginning is wonderfully different from the beginning but they have kept their originality.

I must say I have enjoyed it and I can’t waot for them to start getting down dirty again. I do miss those scenes.

I haven’t read all your AN but I have read a couple and I’m glad your life is taking a turn for the better. It does wonders for the creative mind thats for sure. I have actually tried stretching out the last ten chapters as much as possible mainly because we have met a crucial point in the story and a mundane interlude in the excitement in the story, which is good, don’t get me wrong. I just had to prolong it as I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about Lucille and Aleron.

I do like Aleron that’s for sure.

Well done on the publishing of your first book and good luck with it.

Please update soon.
RK.2341 chapter 38 . 10/10/2017
Kate chapter 37 . 7/19/2017
Please continue writing :D
Guest chapter 37 . 5/4/2017
I really like your story. For both selfish and unselfish reasons I hope life gets better soon for you.
RK.2341 chapter 37 . 3/25/2017
OMG! Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this story literally it is so unique and just overall amazing please UPDATE SOON! Must know what happens next!
Jojo chapter 37 . 2/6/2017
Hey I just wanted to say I am totally in LOVE with your series here! I really really really hope you aren't done with it! I keep checking for more chapters every day-you rock! Please keep updating
somersaultkick chapter 37 . 12/21/2016
Thanks for the early gift!
Pandora10001 chapter 1 . 12/14/2016
This is the first story I've read on Fictionpress and I just want to are awesome, I love your writing style and THANK YOU SO MUCH. I just read the first chapter of your story and I absolutely love it. I've been trying to find something decent to read for forever and you just made my day! Keep up the great work. Can't wait to read the rest.
guest chapter 37 . 12/11/2016
Wow what a horrible whore who acts more like a demonic scubbus than a nephillim. She does not know a single ounce of love. She left her adopted parents believing she abducted, tortured and raped. Her friends constantly worring about her disappearance. And for what to fuck a demon. The demon's nature is open when it comes to cruelty. It doesnot care about families, friends or love just feeding from negative energy or people's soul. It has nack for killing his own brother also. Demons don't have family or capacity to love as aleron seems to be feeding from her and become addict. But lucille was half human. The decisions she make none of it was from her heart or atleast using her brain. Every decision was made from her vagina. Its disgusting that she not once thought about the loved ones she left. I doubt that she ever experienced loving her parents,friends or even anyone. Lust seems to be the only emotion dominating her life.
DSPamungkas chapter 36 . 7/25/2016
Thank you for updating! please update more chapters soon :D
Guest chapter 36 . 7/14/2016
I love reading this story! So addictive!
rReaver chapter 36 . 7/13/2016
I can't wait for the next chapter! But I hope your nearly fully recovered soon :) this is an amazing story please don't let it slip through your finger because of this accident :/
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