Reviews for Nebulae
Tumnus chapter 2 . 9/21/2014
Please reread your author's notes, continually correcting them is going to get exhausting. In other news, what's with all the Lisa's? The same Lisa? In other news, what a lovely story.
Nyx'sReincarnation chapter 2 . 9/20/2014
This is amazing! Now I'm really curious to see what she's been marked as. This is such an interesting story idea, so I hope yu update lots!
Keep up the amazing work! :)
Tarah xXx
Tumnus chapter 1 . 9/18/2014
You have a stray caps in the authors comment. Also, please stop stealing the names I'm going to use for characters in that story I'll never write. Also, cute. I like it.
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