Reviews for The Power Couple
leavesfallingup chapter 5 . 1/21/2015
These two will either fall in love or kill each other... or do both. Imagine Hollywood burning to the ground while both of them look innocently into the camera, point toward the other and say, "He/She did it!"
Chie Wisdom's Daughter chapter 5 . 1/13/2015
Wow! This is really interesting. Longer chapters please? XD
and more updates! I love it..
CI chapter 4 . 11/22/2014
Haha, this is hilarious! I cant believe they ended up like that! What happens next?! Update soon!
CI chapter 3 . 10/28/2014
Heyya! It's me again! I'm not on my FP account, but my FP oen name initials are, of course, CI! Guess again as to who it is! (Heh, you really can't get me off your back!)
Cool story idea! It's pretty unique, and I love originality, so I think it's really clever! I hope you update again, I'm reading this and it seems like a great start .

Madness Passed-Down-To-Me