Reviews for Gilmore's Dome
JoshFisher chapter 1 . 11/25/2014
I liked the dystopian plot of the story
JoshuaMabus chapter 1 . 11/3/2014
This was a ver good story it had a lot of detail and had a great plot.
msfoxycomets chapter 1 . 10/23/2014
How old is she currently in the story? You need to make it clearer how much time has passed. The timeline for the story is a little confusing. You mention 10 years of her life much too late in the story.

A very interesting concept for a story though. I'd like to see where you take this!
jessiffland chapter 1 . 10/3/2014
This story did seem very rushed at time. But other than that, it was pretty good
BarrenChasm chapter 1 . 10/3/2014
The dome is an interesting concept, and the fact that it's her parents fault that she is stuck there is intriguing.
LittleDeadFly chapter 1 . 10/2/2014
Hm, I have a question. If Lisa was scheduled to be released, what were the circumstances for it? Is it that she would be in the custody of her parents, even though the second part of the text suggests that she wasn't close to being cured? Or maybe this was all part of the coverup.

Make sure to write out numbers with letters.

It doesn't seem to occur to Lisa that if the institution can lie about her parents' death, that they're lying about the fact that her parents are still paying for her. She just assumes this and doesn't try to contact them herself to find the answers if they're alive or around or anything.

The story feels like it rushed through the concept and barely touched upon it. It's interesting, but it's not explored fully.