Reviews for Hot as Tar
Guest chapter 36 . 2/12/2015
Amelie chapter 36 . 2/11/2015
Hahaha elijah, id never have expected that
Leasah chapter 36 . 2/11/2015
Whoa, plot twist!...I think I like this, but I have mixed feelings. I just want to them to be safe at the end of all this.
I am so very glad that John was so cooperative about breaking the engagement. I cannot wait for Braxton to return to Abigail.
tear the moon chapter 36 . 2/11/2015
Woah, ok. Well, that was... unexpected. In two ways: 1) John was not that upset. And he was so little upset that I feel hugely insulted for Abigail now. Seriously, it was really inappropriate. And 2), what the heck goes on with Elijah? I actually really like him, he's a lot more easy going than his brother (well at least how I imagine him to be) and I hope he and Braxton will get along better somehow. But it's still amusingly ironic that Thomas indirectly sponsors 'the enemy' or rather the complete opposite of his own opinion. And because of that I guess that he will certainly come to terms with those contrarieties. I mean, c'mon his brother, beloved soon-to-be wife and her new friends... He kinda has to. I remember how Thomas once thought that the family of Abigail really has a lot of irony. Well, his own life has a big portion of irony as well.
I look forward to him finding out this whole mess. I don't think he will be angered a long time. Even though I sort of see the happy ending on it's tip toes at the horizon coming, I still have a bad feeling about it. But I always have a bad feeling. Somewhere there's always a hitch.
batzmaru347 chapter 36 . 2/11/2015
What a great chapter! I am happy that John Worthington took the news so well. Hopefully he is right about his brother's reaction. What a twist at the end. Can't believe it.

Will the sequel be about Elijah? That would be interesting. Or maybe it could be about Worthington...that would be interesting. It'd be good to see his POV as he goes on to marry someone else and also a little bit of what happened in this story...
LetMeWonder chapter 36 . 2/10/2015
Poor Mr. Braxton- I feel for him. BUT she's doing something in her own and something she believes in, which is cool. :)
tear the moon chapter 35 . 2/10/2015
I must say I grew rather fond of your work, starting with A Noble Bargain (which was finished before I discovered it so I didn't review) but since you are still in writing process how it seems, I thought I could type out some nice words. I very much disliked Abigail and even Braxton in the first few chapters but they reminded me of Edward and Elizabeth but not in a copy-style-kind of rather than in the same unfortunate lovers kind of. Well, and Abigail having quite the temper even around wealthy people who must be absolutely terrifying so to say, I very much do like her now. And Braxton is mainly just a little cute puppy in the shell of a bitter Mr. Scrooge. Of course, I couldn't resist. Also Charlotte and George are lovely, though I think Charlotte needs more attention because she seems very intelligent and I'm sure she will have her own great story in the future.
Since I'm not in the least bit American (or even English speaking as in first language), I don't really know if the historical background is correct. But I think I heard that you are studying history or something? And I never had American history in school (well at least not more than 1776 and some Plymouth stuff that I don't really remember in detail) so I have to trust you in this point. Still, you woke interest in me.
However, of course since that chapter didn't have any Braxton in it, it was not that entertaining, but of course it did not lack any quality in writing (and you have a lot of quality there). I'm sceptical about Carolite, Charles and Hannigen though. They don't seem well-disposed towards Braxton... Anyway, I find myself amused by Hannigen and I look forward to get to know him a bit better. (I hope he'll leave poor baby Braxton - who has suffered enough I think - be.)

Yes, I am still enjoying it. Actually, I am enjoying it for the last two days now. I am addicted. Help.

Have a wonderful, inspiring day,
Guest chapter 35 . 2/10/2015
I think that the Charles fellow pushed George out off the walk to 'save' him, and created a forced meeting between the three of them and Abigail. Idk. I feel like they are up to something... Or not. I guess I just need to re read the part from George's POV
amelie chapter 35 . 2/10/2015
i like the 3 of them, well charles cant form an opinion but im sure ill like him too
batzmaru347 chapter 35 . 2/10/2015
Oh no, poor George. I'm glad he was rescued. What a unlucky little boy.
batzmaru347 chapter 34 . 2/10/2015
Wow, now Braxton can see firsthand what the other colonists dislike about the redcoats. But I think it would be a bit much for him to do a complete 180.

Why do Braxton and Abigail have to be separated? I hope Worthington doesn't do something really slimy
LetMeWonder chapter 35 . 2/9/2015
I sense something brewing, but I know not what.
25435345gb chapter 35 . 2/9/2015
Loved this chapter! Although it didn't have any Braxton/Abby, the new characters were fresh and interesting. I'm very interested in the printing press aspect, and I want to see Braxton's ideas challenged intellectually; I hope you have Braxton and Hannigan interact!
Leasah chapter 35 . 2/9/2015
Is it wrong to feel a bit worried about her meeting those people? I think I might have gotten a bit paranoid since Braxton and Abby know each other's feelings. Anything could go wrong!
The moment I read: 'Her mistake was looking away from George for just a second too long', I paused for a moment. I had to gather courage to read further. I seriously thought the most awful thing would happen! I'm so happy Charles saved the boy!
Also, the name Harrington rings a bell...Could it be I read it earlier in this story? I might be wrong. This chapter made me curious as to how these people will be involved further in the story...Thanks for the update. I enjoyed it.
Guest chapter 35 . 2/9/2015
I'm intrigued by the new characters, especially Hannigen. This adds more depth to the story, making it more than a romance. It also creates possible plot lines for a sequel. :)
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