Reviews for Hot as Tar
PruRose chapter 52 . 1/16/2016
Wonderfull! Great story!
PruRose chapter 5 . 1/16/2016
Great chapter!
PruRose chapter 2 . 1/15/2016
Love it! I can tell that this story is going to be great! Love the plot!
Anonymous chapter 42 . 9/19/2015
So beautifully written. Not awkward or too risqué as others would have written it.
KarasunoFan chapter 44 . 6/26/2015
I wonder if 10 years on Charlotte will still be as enamored of Elijah?
Guest chapter 52 . 6/22/2015
"I don't understand how men who profess to fight for our freedom can demand allegiance at the risk of death," Well said!

I have been reading nonstop since chapter 1 and should have gushed all sorts of praise in the comment section after every chapter. But I was too absorbed in this fantastic tale to pause. Well done. Bravo!
bren43050 chapter 51 . 5/15/2015
I love this story. Can't wait for sequel!
LetMeWonder chapter 52 . 4/26/2015
Heh, I took forever to read this last part because I didn't want it to end, but now I know they will absolutely be in a sequel, I can let them go :)
smrae chapter 52 . 4/10/2015
I think you are amazing at what you do and the detail you put in your stories is amazing. For me it's the best part of your stories because I love history and you do your best to keep it historically accurate. Well done can't believe this story has ended but I'm so looking forward to more of your work. Congrats!
Leasah chapter 52 . 4/10/2015
I loved this. Thank you for writing this. :)
Braxton is by far my most favorite male protagonist in your stories until now. But I loved every character. Abigail, the children, Elijah. Everyone.
I'm so glad everything worked out. The story held the perfect amount of romance, excitement, suspense,...If you hadn't told us about a sequel focusing on their married life, I think my heart would have stopped at times. Even now I sometimes had the feeling that you might play a cruel joke on us, haha. Not that I don't trust you, but your writing is just so damn good in that regard. I love you. I hope I can start reading A Woman's Weapon soon. :)
25435345gb chapter 52 . 4/9/2015
This was absolutely wonderful. One of my favorite historical stories (including published books I've read). You kept me engaged in the story, the pacing of the storyline was so well done, and the pacing of the updates was very impressive, especially given the quality of the writing you put out every chapter. It certainly illustrates how very skilled you are as a writer and storyteller. I loved both Abby and Braxton who were both brilliantly developed, I liked that the side characters were fleshed out as well, especially Elijah, and you wrote the children very well.

The historical context enriched the story, and was integral to the plot. I appreciated how the history was respected, and there were no anachronistic treatment of sex and relationships. (One of the things I most enjoy about historical novels is seeing how differently sex and marriage were viewed and treated in the respective historical periods, so consequence-free sex in period romances highly annoys me.) Having a protagonist with loyalist perspective in the American Revolutionary period was also highly refreshing, and handled well.

All in all, bravo, and thank you for taking on this endeavor. You should be very proud of what you've accomplished with completing a story of this length. I am also looking forward to "A Woman's Weapon", can't wait to see what you have planned for that story.
Guest chapter 52 . 4/8/2015
This is a great story! I can understand some readers being upset that Abigail was drinking alcohol assuming she's pregnant but for the time period she would have. Especially since water sanitation wasn't the best.. Drinking claret and wine etc would have been common and an everyday occurrence. It would have been a cultural and social norm.. The dangers of pregnancy and alcohol consumption wouldn't have even been an issue. I think readers need to know that this is an era where these matters were so different than they are today. It's like smoking, in the past people would smoke all the time even when pregnant. People should mind the context of the story and era it is set.
Guest chapter 52 . 4/8/2015
Is she pregnant? It wasn't mentioned, but she'd be a few months in if George is six now. She'd better watch that drinking, too, pregnant or not.
Nidchat chapter 51 . 4/8/2015
I am in love with your story ... oh my God! in just two days I read the entire story longing to read more... its no doubt the longest n best and I am looking forward to the sequel
Guest chapter 52 . 4/8/2015
It seems that she drank an awful lot of alcohol for a expecting mother. I figured Braxton would have fliped shit as soon as he saw her with a glass in her hand.
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