Reviews for Le Maree Della Guerra (The Tides of War)
Darth Zannacross chapter 2 . 2/10
After reflecting on the horrors of Accord, the crew plans a bit more but, despite all this war seems to be breaking out, Earlkoning seems to have that big a impact as things seem to be falling apart quickly...we will see if anyone has the skill and the will to keep things together.
Darth Zannacross chapter 1 . 2/9
Hey there Revamp hope your well, figured I'd give this story a shot for a bit.

To start off, we start off to a wild watery world at least, no Kevin Coster but looks like we have a lot going for this story so cool.

We got more kings then all the kings under the sea in Aquaman 2 lol.

Well, we are introduced to a lot of folks but, will need more time to see the true nature of there heart's vie there actions and all but lets see what Symphony has planned. Nice start, till next time keep up the good work.
Starart152 chapter 1 . 2/8
This is a good chapter that give a little bit of world building of the world of Nautica and it's surrounding.
We know little of our main character as she spoke little of herself. We know her mission to assassinate the Sea King, but with little intel, she had to gather more on her own, which came with the world building.

There is a lot going on despite little action, but it surely will get worse from here.
Dark Lord Cthulhu chapter 20 . 4/16/2017
I was hoping that Hiroto wouldn't get caught. I hope he doesn't die.
SharkWeek chapter 20 . 4/15/2017
Uh oh Hiroto got caught. What will he do now?
Tragedy of Light and Dark II chapter 20 . 4/14/2017
Hiroto's freakouts actually did get him caught. What will Topeka do to him? He wasn't wrong about Topeka knowing where he was, or screwing with him either. I hope he can get through this.
Black Bride Anna chapter 20 . 4/6/2017
Oh man Looks like Hiroto got caught. I wonder what Topeka will do to him.
WolfGoesBaa chapter 1 . 3/21/2017
Well you certainly spun a web of mystery around this mermaid army attack. Your characters are interesting and its nice to see the different interactions between them and your writing is very descriptive.

I have to wonder about why the Sea Kings would not act more suspiciously to an outsider (who knows little about their kingdom) being in the middle of this recently destroyed mystery army.

I sought you out [in] specifically for this job - (?)

...the edge [of] his voice was enough to make the warning - [in?]

...what kind of relationship [they] two of them had. - [the]

It was good chapter.
Black Bride Anna chapter 19 . 3/15/2017
Nice mentally horror chapter you have going here. I really enjoy seeing Hiroto freak out so much.
Black Bride Anna chapter 18 . 3/15/2017
It was a little confusing but I think it was the fact that I read this near 3 in the morning. Hiroto's adventures are very entertaining and funny. I enjoy them.
KurlozMakara77 chapter 19 . 3/15/2017
i hope hiroto will be okay!
KurlozMakara77 chapter 18 . 3/15/2017
hiroto is really going insane in this chapter. poor guy. i hope he can get out of this hell soon.
HFGLF 2 chapter 19 . 3/15/2017
Hiroto is hiding from the generals and it plays on his mentality. I think anything like this would make someone very nervous and on edge. I can say that I am not surprised that he got caught with freakouts like that. I wonder what Topeka is going to do to him now that he has him caught.
HFGLF 2 chapter 18 . 3/14/2017
Not much is happening here except for solving puzzles and Hiroto being...Hiroto. I love his reactions to everything. It's nice to go on an adventure with a funny character who tries to act badass but really isn't.
Kurogane Black Ninja chapter 19 . 3/14/2017
Hiroto is suffering from the biggest mental breakdown as he tries to wire cameras to avoid getting caught but I have a feeling at least one of the generals has it out for him.
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