Reviews for Where I Learn From My Mistakes
Mukta Gadgil chapter 1 . 9/23/2018
Wow this was a surprisingly refreshing story to read. Although I didn't like the girl protagonist so much, I like how she grows towards the end and her friend's ex helps her along the way.
idratherbeinbed chapter 1 . 5/22/2018
I read this fully about three years ago and since then I've been rereading my favorite parts sometimes whenever I needed something sweet and honest to read, and I just read it entirely again and omg this is still so so so nice and lovely :-( I don't think I fully appreciated how kind and patient Alex was before but now I'm just UGH he's too sweet and precious I want to hug him and never let go :( AND OMG I'm so happy you're writing again! I've always loved your stuff and even when you stopped updating I'd still check your profile from time to time to see if you finally did or just to reread some of your stuff, so ya THANK YOU FOR WRITING AGAIN YOU ARE LITERALLY ONE OF THE BEST WRITERS OUT THERE! The way you express things is so vivid and creative and fresh and it really touches the emotions and your stories are so heartwrenchingly good and comforting and everything and idk I just hoped you knew that ️ HOPE U GET PUBLISHED GO U
Leftie issa Bae chapter 1 . 11/16/2016
Amazing story. really amazing.
une-belle-vie chapter 1 . 10/2/2016
I'm kind of the silent reader type(I just click on the favorite button) , I don't usually give reviews. So I'm really sorry if I end up blabbing and not having any helpful comment on how you write. I just want you to know, that I enjoyed reading this one-shot and I like how you wrote it... I liked how the MC is really relatable (for me) , how Alex responded to everything and how they ended up together. Although I already kind of predicted that from the beginning,who ends up with who, how but not so much with the why' 's just some pattern I kind of discovered after reading too many romance novels over the years and there's nothing wrong with that really, cause you've made their conversations really interesting. and Alex kind of feels real to me...Like he actually has feelings and I empathize with him. I've read stories where the guy acts like this too, but I'm usually the one who puts in the emotion in their stead. But this story stirs me up naturally and in a good way. Though I didn't came up with same reason as ! I'm kind of into stories where the guy has been secretly in like/love with the girl for a long time.(It's so cliche I know,but I still like it). So I kind of assumed and hoped it would be.

Good work?! keep writing!
dress chapter 1 . 7/8/2016
Ahh how I love this story. This is my third (or is it fourth? I can't keep track) time reading this, and I absolutely love it. I love how much of the characters you managed to reveal without it seeming too much for the length of the story. I love Kay - reminds me a bit of myself actually haha - and who wouldn't want an Alex in their life?
annayh44 chapter 1 . 1/22/2016
awwww i wish there was Alex in the true story...I definitely like Alex...but overall..the story is damn amazing
wraughhh chapter 1 . 11/16/2015
this is the worst to read with adele's "hello" blasting at 660 MHz as I alternately shriek "NICE JOB OF IGNORING WHAT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU" and "THIS IS SO TRAGICALLY ME GAHHH" and "WHERE IS MY ALEX I MEAN IT WHERE THE EFF IS MY ALEX"

you get the idea. this oneshot mirrors my own life way too closely for comfort. Yes...*bows head* I have an awful habit of falling for the All-American blue-eyed blond boy (nationality's s'okay, as long as they're, uh...NEVER MIND) and sniff...did my alex get run over by the strugglebus or something? because it's taking him an awful long time.

Anyway, this oneshot deserves way more attention than it does, it's, and I am perfectly seriously, totally fantastic. Great job.


SkipperCal3 chapter 1 . 10/23/2015
Gahhhh I love them philosophical types!
Red chapter 1 . 9/27/2015
I'm positively convinced that you cannot write anything badly gaaah this was absolutely beautiful! xx
Bee chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
Really loved this! I'd like me my own Alex teehee
aliaschantra chapter 1 . 5/26/2015
I have no words. That was just perfect!
mesweetescape chapter 1 . 3/23/2015
I could honestly start screaming at how I love each of your stories but I'm just gonna stop and start favouriting now, hahahahaha
Anon-y-maus chapter 1 . 12/17/2014
This is so cute! I wish I could go back in time and read this again, just to get the same happy feeling of reading this for the first time! Thanks for sharing! :)
sami1995 chapter 1 . 12/5/2014
I know this is a long time coming but gosh, I just loooooove Alex so much. He has such a cool, dry sense of humor. And his relationship with Kay is so refreshing and cute. I love that they start off as friends. XD Haha I'm just re-reading this again and enjoying it even more
je ne veux pas travailler chapter 1 . 12/5/2014
I'm way too excited to read new things for you. I'm really loving the university/grad school theme in your stories lately because I can relate to them so well. This was really good, but I liked "Something Better" better...perhaps it is aptly named lol. I actually like how she didn't resolve the drama with Lilly because she didn't seem like a friend worth keeping. I also wanted to see her and Alex a little more as a couple (Alex is like my ideal...tall, dark, handsome, and intelligent). Anyways, I really look forward to more from you and I hope you can resolve your personal issues...or write more fiction :)
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