Reviews for Thrash Unreal
Pye chapter 1 . 10/30/2015
This is really lovely, and really well laid out. In a good way, I can see why/that you took a lot of time over it. Part of me would love to have more backstory, but most of me thinks it does;t need it, that you pared things down to the essentials. Great job.
plumblossom chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
So glad to hear from you again, with another of your kind of weird situations.

I do hope you're planning to go pro, xanthy, I know you could do it.
morningstorm70 chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
At first I wasn't sure I would like this story but I do like it ,gonna pop it onto my favs
chibikodo chapter 1 . 1/12/2015
Happy New Year! What a story to start off the year.

Definitely had a lot of mixed feelings about Case being a complicated mess- a manslut, a victim of abuse, a self-hating but vindictive tool.

Lyle sounded like just as bad if not worse of a brother, although I'm sure his demons got the best of him.

Although we see only the aftermath, I can't help but wonder why Lyle used Hank to get at his brother. Did he really have any feelings? Did he know about Case's teacher (Mrs. Green) abusing Case?

I'm glad there was a happy? ending.
iwanttodeletethiswtf chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
Hey xan! This was really great. It's been so long since I've read something of yours. I love the way you slowly pieced together the backstory as the main went along. Very interesting and sweet, but gritty.. It's realistic, because life isn't always a clean sweep of roses and daisies. I've definitely missed your writing style and the way your stories are always so relatable. :)

TinaLouise chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
I love the grit and reality of your writing. I think this was me in an alternate reality. The one where I spent the summer after high school on tour with that band instead of moving away.