Reviews for Snake's Salvation
Mrs. Awesomesauceness chapter 6 . 6/30/2016
Hello, I love this trilogy, would love to see this story finished whenever you can.
Helen Cole chapter 1 . 9/3/2015
Great hook at the end leading into the next chapter. This was an agonizing reality for her and it was hard to read. Very real.

It's probably too much for me to keep going and I actually couldn't bring myself to finish reading the last few paragraphs. Your descriptions were very strong, to say the least, even without giving too much detail.

I have some critiques for things that I noticed in the first of the chapter though they seem hard to address seeing as how the end of the chapter was so strong. But anyway, here goes:

I felt like the beginning started off a little slow and I had no idea of the story would have the turn of events it did. I imagine to this being a cute story about a road trip with her mom. That was the other thing. It sounded like her mom was with her in the car until her mom says you shouldn't have gone alone and it confused me.
This also needed some editing as the need for edits was a bit distracting.
Overall, very very very powerful chapter.
Katarina chapter 5 . 8/25/2015
Just like the previous stories, I love this one! Didn't know snake had it in him to be so gentle and kind. I just saw him as a womaniser who just slept his way around,,but it's nice to see this kind side of him.
xXDaniLynn09Xx chapter 4 . 8/20/2015
You're really good, I cannot wait until the next update
angell425 chapter 3 . 7/30/2015
I was really excited about Snake's story. Curious how it will play out. Can't wait for next update :)
Katarina chapter 1 . 7/23/2015
I'm so curious for this story! Hope to have an update soon :)