Reviews for Weeping Angel
sprinkled clean chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
First thing I wanted to analyse was if it was an exchange between two personalities; some verses suggested that an 'angel' was narrating, while in others, someone of a devilish/shadow nature, particularly the last verse. According to the genre you put this under, it's a romance of sorts. Hence, the natural assumption I'd make is that this is a romance between someone who seems unwilling to risk a 'holy' image and someone who is the opposite of 'holy.' Perhaps the 'shadow' wanted to take the 'angel' and kidnapped her, brought her to some island, where they brought their 'love' to a fruition- but the angel was still stubborn to lose what image she had (as referenced by the word 'sacrilegious' twice). If anything, though, the 'angel' admits that the 'shadow' is a shadow, someone who doesn't belong to 'demons' shrines' or a 'twisted heaven,' and all that she is willing to acknowledge is the love they had, 'fresh fruit's blood into grass seep.' It ends with the angel choosing to be with the shadow, as the shadow tells her not to love the 'order' or the image she has established; he shepherds her out of a confused glory. They are together, but if ever she remembers the heaven she left behind, it's okay with the shadow; her tears will water their love (the fruit).

That's how I understood the poem, the story within it. If I would analyse it from a beginner's humanist perspective, it seeks to explain how love can happen between two individuals who have different values as humans, and how their differing values can hinder them from loving at first. That's why there's always risk in loving (as said in the quote you used in the summary). But when you choose to love, you choose to love a person not for his/her standards or values, but for just the person him/herself.
drakendiepie chapter 1 . 11/3/2015
for krist's sake, ten it down