Reviews for Ashes in the Morning
Jester79 chapter 20 . 5/19/2016
I think all involved made some poor decisions. Some more detrimental than others. Jamie's inability to commit to Ella - which caused a death (however, she chose to drive (debatable)) & loads of emotional baggage. Ella, for thinking that she could go behind Luke's back and "try" to get closure, which I don't think was really prepared to handle. Her feelings for him were unsteady and too close to the surface. Luke, while a mostly silent character in their "show" - I did agree somewhat with Ella when she stated - yeah they got married but he really hasn't shown up for it. However, she did know this going in so it's a tit-for-tat. All in all it was a huge wakeup call for Ella, I never thought that she didn't love Luke, she just harbored a lot for Jamie and it did need closure. Looking forward to the next update.
livinginmymindgirl chapter 16 . 4/20/2016
I'm not sure how the whole trying to be friends thing will work out. They have too much of history to just be friends when she is married. I feel bad for her husband. She is sneaking out to meet with her ex. He deserves to know what is going on with her and she should tell him she still has feelings for her ex. Anyway, can't wait to read more. It's a great story!
Jo chapter 16 . 4/8/2016
It's a good read. She annoys me I have to admit she has a great husband and yes she has a past with this other man but that's the thing it is in the past. Her husband is fighting a losing battle a battle he doesn't even know he is fighting. None of this is fair to him.
Jester79 chapter 16 . 4/6/2016
I apparently missed a couple of chapters. Anyway, that was an extremely difficult time period for her, no wonder she has all these feelings exploding out of her. Yes he was a chicken shit, dropping out of her life like that. Some people aren't parent material regardless of their age. I don't think Jamie has it in him. However she has his reasons now for what he did, so hopefully she can start mending on the inside. I really don't think she has tried to get past it. I also don't think they can be friends, at least not yet. Things are to fresh and she really isn't in a place to be very objective. She should consider having a long talk with her husband about what happened, that might help to.
livinginmymindgirl chapter 13 . 3/18/2016
This was an emotional chapter. I didn't know Ella went through all this. I can't believe she almost died. Wow, so sad. Great flashbacks and chapters. I loved knowing more of their past.
livinginmymindgirl chapter 12 . 3/18/2016
Wow, I didn't know she was pregnant with his baby. I understand a little now why she still is stuck on him. And oh my god the ending, didn't see that.
Jester79 chapter 12 . 3/16/2016
Wow - didn't see that one coming. That was a big one - so more of a past than just "dating" off & on for a few years. A lot of unsettled issues apparently or rather a huge unsettled issue.
livinginmymindgirl chapter 11 . 3/15/2016
I can't believe she went to see him but both of them really need to talk this out. They do need closure.
Jester79 chapter 11 . 3/11/2016
Definitely need to tip toe through this. Maybe, that's the deal - they need to sort out crap that happened in the past - doesn't mean that they'll "get together", but that might be the thing she needs for closure from him. Cause - she's not really closed that chapter in her life.
livinginmymindgirl chapter 10 . 3/1/2016
Aw, I feel so bad to what happened to her back then. Seriously? He gets that mad over that he breaks up with her. And to top it off he went with some other girl the exact same night he breaks up with her. Jamie is such a douche. Anyway, I loved the flashback. Nice chapter!
livinginmymindgirl chapter 9 . 3/1/2016
I liked the conversation with Ella and Zoe. She needs some advice.
livinginmymindgirl chapter 8 . 3/1/2016
Aw, that was a sweet surprise. I think Ella really needed this romantic night out with Luke but I can't believe Jamie had to ruin it.
Jester79 chapter 10 . 3/1/2016
1st - something's going on with the formatting. I know a lot of writers on here have had to deal with it on occasion.

2nd - He sure did a number on her - it completely sucks. But, really - right after he broke up with her - he went to someone else? What a dick move - asshat!

Sure people change - grow older - mature some or a lot - get a better perspective on what's going on around them. Meet new people - find love - lose it again and start right back over. But, once in a while you find something and it excites you all the time - your nervous all the time - it's unexpected and will drive you crazy but if it leaves or is taken away - there's a hole, a despondency that you don't think will ever be filled again.
Jester79 chapter 8 . 2/23/2016
It shouldn't matter to her whether or not he was with someone else - she's still married. He can't have her so why should he be alone? I think her biggest mistake is not talking to Luke about this and her past with Jamie - she may truly love Luke, but by not acknowledging this to him, Luke's losing a battle he didn't know he was fighting.
livinginmymindgirl chapter 7 . 2/21/2016
I can't wait to see what he has planned for her.
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