Reviews for Origin
Jude Blake Gabriel chapter 49 . 4/24/2020
Yay! A chappie. I'm glad to have more info on the Bae vs Pollux drama. I also cannot wait for Pollux and Bae to finally meet face to face. As for Castor immediately accusing Bae of running away, I understand why he would think that. Bae is a rogue after all. Castor just has no faith in his brother after possibly dealing with his past behavior. Anyway, looking forward to your next update. I hope I don't have to wait but if I do I totally understand.

PS Quarantine is my kinda scene but I am getting tired of it.
Remcee chapter 48 . 4/15/2020
Well, a promise is a promise. So I have to deliver. However, pardon me if the reply is short.

Anyway, the reason why I was so inactive all this time...well, life simply brought me into a back cornering, hiatus. I was just busy and busy, and I couldn't really get on my own stuff even barely able to read any of your chapters. I can't say, it was really a bad thing, because of my absence you have been constantly writing and writing and once I had the time. I read them and I didn't have to suffer about I don't know how many weeks of patience to wait and read the next one.

By the way, I hope you are safe and sounds, because the Coronavirus is out there and, may God protect you and keep you safe. There have been certainly a lot going on in these chapters. Especially with Simone and overall her character in general, what I'm getting at, she really does hold grades, is stubborn, narrow-minded, a bit nihilistic, self-imposed-harm, I think I got her character down to the point but yeah. I understand, Castor wasn't there and she eventually spilled the beams at him and told him that he wasn't there to save her and then well she "died" which I still don't understand one thing.

If Origin is, in the end, a chip in your neck, how the hell did Simone get it in the first place? So judging by my hypothesis. This Origin/Scarlett drug whatever it works via nanobots. Unless Simone was born an Angel which I doubt so let's go with my theory. Pretty much, these nanobots are the next step to evolution, due to the fact, that they hold untapped and seemingly endless potential in solving real-life problems. Essentially, if we had that, cancer would be a thing of the past.

What I'm trying to say is, that this Scarlett contains some sort of nanobots that know their way throughout the human system. They travel throughout the blood vessels until they find their way towards the spinal cord, which would explain as to how and why she turned into a "Demon" that is my explanation, I'm probably sure that isn't right, but who cares. I tried.

Anyway, while again, I still understand her frustration, there really is a point in time where you just need to forgive your friends. I mean, if I was in her shoes, I think I'd be the same. However, I'd try to at least be nice and see a point in giving Castor a second chance. But really, I think it was the frustration she was having, with finally discovering what the System is and how it actually works.

And so once she did, she could save everyone, which she did and it was entirely satisfying to see. It really was. Finally, everyone isn't a Demon anymore. I certainly did like that Interlude with Bael, I really have missed him since it was only about Simone and we didn't really get enough touchy moments between the two. However, that chapter made up more entirely for the long wait. Essentially, this tells me that only Bael can understand Simone and he is the only one that can make her listen. I'm really looking forward to seeing them actually go on a date. So please, deliver _ I want to see that since he so miraculously and effortlessly asked her out.

Oh and well other naughty romantic stuff that I won't mention, but you probably know about. Since as a story reading guy myself, I keep an eye on the romantic stuff. I am watching like a Watcher.

However, the big elephant of the room is the death of Neal. Now I don't know if I have missed a detail, but I'm pretty sure Neal was still alive. So I don't know if he is dead or not. If he is then well...that is a big bummer. I slowly began to care more and more about the guy, but me personally I never felt attached to the dude, so honestly, as cold as I can be sometimes, his death didn't really affect me as much on an emotional level. However, it'll be sad to see Simone having to deal with Ellsie which I don't know since...well...she kind of did kill her boyfriend. So that will be interesting to see, how Simone once again manages to get herself out of tough spots and situations.

I am sensing that this story will surely end soon, since well there are only a few things that need to be wrapped up, like Beal fighting Pollux, and so on. Finally getting it on with Simone for like an eternity, but I will know that if it happens when it happens, it'll be very satisfying and earned. So don't let me down. I wanted that sex scene for a while now lol.

I am very astonished to see that this story has come so far. It is a small story, nothing world-breaking, but the twists and themes it derives from and how you write the story. It really is, wow, I never thought you could make a first-person story so damn good. But I was proven wrong.

Essentially, my final words of constructive criticisms, keep on writing, keep on listening to the fans, especially me...ahem, I certainly do like your writing style and how you give each character their moment and justice. I do love this story like you honestly made me go back to reading books.

Thank you for the amazing effort and story, have a good day. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter and read the epic and final conclusion of this story.

-Dreadnation 3
Remcee chapter 43 . 4/14/2020
Man it was a wild ride. Sad this story is about to end but all good things must come to an end. I'll continue to read these chapters and give my final verdict once I finish reading the rest.
Guest chapter 48 . 4/10/2020
I reread this entire story. I kept putting it off and the notifications piled up in my inbox. I'm glad I finally read it.
NonBinaryAceKitten chapter 48 . 4/6/2020
freaking amazing I love your thorough characterisation.
cant wait for more
Tifanny91 chapter 48 . 4/5/2020
Glad to get an update from you amidst this chaos. It was a great chapter. But poor Sim really needs a break. She's got nothing but suffering. I hope Neil will come back soon, healthy and lovestruck. And I hope that you remain safe too. Love you BBY.
Nble2 chapter 47 . 4/3/2020
So I was just gonna say how bloody amazing this story is but I think Silva-rerum’s review does a lot more justice than I ever could. I couldn’t agree more. My god the emotional impact that your words achieve - I honestly feel everything that you’ve written. Your way with words is incredible! I can’t even count the amount of times I cried reading this - the way you describe the characters turmoil is just so heart wrenching - like I felt that. Can’t wait to see the end of this journey with everyone else ️️
ConfigurationSpace chapter 47 . 3/8/2020
Masterful, through and through. You continue to surprise me with the emotional impact that you're able to achieve with your words. With Baelfire, you've taken a character I deeply disliked (as you well know lol), and with this chapter, you've believably completed his transformation into a character that's so much more vulnerable and complex than his behavior at the beginning of this story would have suggested. I feel for him now, and what's more, I'm rooting for him.

Beyond that, you've done a particularly amazing job in this chapter of using Baelfire's perspective as a vehicle to tell Simone's story from the outside looking in. It makes it so much more heartbreaking to see the state she's in, because her tolerance for pain and bullshit is so high that if we saw it from her perspective, she'd be minimizing her amount of trauma even to herself – probably as a protective mechanism. I'd like to think that from this point forward she can start healing since (as Baelfire helpfully pointed out), she's gone as far as she can fighting alone. But knowing the curveballs you've thrown at us already, I can just as easily imagine that the bad news isn't over for Simone and the gang just yet.

Overall, I really like the interlude format you used in this story to provide Baelfire's perspective on things. It's added a vital layer that makes the progression of events feel less one-sided, because although I love first-person narratives, there's so much that's missed when you only hear the one subjective side of the story.

Taking a step back, this chapter really seemed to be a point of culmination for a lot of your characters, in the sense that the trajectories they've been on for the past number of chapters seem to have reached a pinnacle of some sort here. Simone finally broke, Baelfire finally faced his fears, Castor finally decided to start listening and accepted he doesn't know everything, Ellie finally stops trying to drag Simone into the normal world as her form of caring and instead just learns to be there for her, Cobra becomes the caretaker instead of the patient, etc. Definitely satisfying to behold.

Anyway, thanks for all your hard work! Out of the many original and fanfic stories I follow, this is in my top 2! Wonderful writing!
Tifanny91 chapter 47 . 3/8/2020
Great chapter! In my humble opinion, it's perfect and you can leave it as it is. All the sequences are well connected together and flow smoothly.

I'm so happy that Bae is back. Poor soul has been through hell. But he's grown so much. I'm proud of him. I'm glad Sim and him got to talk things up. It's not all good yet, but they're slowly getting there. I hope they'll make Polux pay dearly for all the suffering he inflicted on them both. I'm so damn ready to see him burn alive!
xoxluurve chapter 47 . 3/8/2020
Enjoyed chapter as always! Confused a bit though by Castors house relative to the initiative location. The chapter was written as if it weren’t very far from one another, although I suppose it’s hard to gauge when we only get Baes perspective every now and then. Just wondering if Simone’s mom is really dead though, this entire time I thought she was still alive and went underground or something. The realization that the glitching isn’t necessarily tied to falling in love is also interesting, I’m wondering if someone can control when they glitch, as in there’s another power who has the control box on these microchips. Anyway looking forward to more!
NonBinaryAceKitten chapter 47 . 3/6/2020
AWE Amazing I LOVE it cant wait for more
Remcee chapter 41 . 2/16/2020
This one felt as if I was watching an Italian Mafia movie lol. Just with Bea and Castor alone going on a killing spree, assumingly avenging Simone's death until later Bea finds her on Castor's doorsteps. Well, I'll be honest, you are kind of awful to your characters lol. But I take it as development.

And my favorite character as of this chapter is definitely Bealfire because he has had so much character development and he kind of slightly reminds me of Tony Stark because that's how Bea started as an ass. I like redemption arcs so yeah.

Remcee chapter 40 . 2/16/2020
Oof...well, sorry for my unannounced hiatus. School kind of caught up with me and Destiny 2 kind of is my Girlfriend at the moment lol. Anyway, I feel like somehow Ellie is going to mess up in getting that said drive from Bealfire's house.

Also, I loved that twist where Kennedy didn't kill Simone right then and there. It was very interesting to see as to why and right of the bat, you clearly have a talent for writing good thriller scenes. This chapter gave me the chills.

Anyway, looking forward to the next one. Have a good day.

Acie chapter 46 . 2/16/2020
Damn, they're all human so they can't even defend against her.
Great twist author!
Jude Blake Gabriel chapter 46 . 2/11/2020
As usual great chapter. I figured Simone's situation would be a lot different when compared to the others. Patiently awaiting your next update.
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