Reviews for Origin
Hero-of-Cheese chapter 13 . 2/24/2016
I honestly didn't know what unexpected when I first clicked on this story, but I am so glad I did as this is great xD I am such a sucker for romance and comedy and this story really is amusing while also having an interesting plot at the same time.

I particularly like how you portray the characters, to me they all have very interesting personalities and I'm super happy that the lead isn't the typical damsel-in-distress like most (especially when the supernatural is involved) tend to be. Baelfire is a total dick and I 100% agree with Simone that "Bae" is cringe worthy to say. I really hope to read more soon as I'm interested to see how this all goes!
Guest chapter 13 . 2/24/2016
What characters? So glad you made the females, Simone and Ellie, strong characters. Love that they don't fold (even when they want) and are fearless, knows when to fight and strike. I wish I have the friendship that Simone and ellie have; now, that's something you want to hold on as if your life depends on it. And Baelfire, I sense a transformation happening. Careless and arrogant he maybe, but being with Simone is going to change him: his plans, motives, and himself. Mismatch as they are, they are going to sharpen each other, and perhaps, mold themselves together? Is that too far off? Love this story. It's not just the usual teenage angst and whinings, but it's much more. The plot keeps off changing unexpectedly, and so are the characters with it.

Curios about Castor and is his story. Baelfire may not know it yet, but a mere human is going to bring him down to his knees. Can't wait for more from you! Thanks for this chapter.
Faint blue chapter 12 . 2/23/2016
So awesome story. Cant remember if I've reviewed it from before, because it deserves so much more attention than it has gotten. I just wanted to say I LOVE IT. Be happy lol, reviews written with broken fingers are more worth, right?
Guest chapter 12 . 2/22/2016
How did I not see your story? I did see it, but I scrolled down and passed your story, and what a loss that I didn't discover sooner. Your story is fantastic, and I'm supposed to doing something else, but I couldn't stop reading. Amazing, and so are you writer. Thank you! Big, loud shout out for you.
deleteaccount12345 chapter 9 . 2/12/2016
like this so much, you have me hooked after these chappies! thanks
Faint blue chapter 8 . 2/9/2016
Ok, so fictionpress is not on my side, so I cant fav it yet. I just wanted to say IT IS SO COOL FANCEY AWESOME
Faint blue chapter 8 . 2/8/2016
Yesssssssss likey likey. So gooodddddddd
Caffeine and Nicotine chapter 7 . 2/7/2016
Hi there!
I happened to stumble across this story tonight and I only have one thing to say about it:

Keep it up.

I love this. You have a fan.

I'll be stalking your page for updates!

Amblexis chapter 1 . 2/1/2016
I'm really glad you've decided to take a stab at writing romances, especially since you're quite witty. These days I can't help but wish that more romances took themselves less seriously. If you think about it, some of the situations we put our protagonists in are so absolutely absurd that you have to laugh. So, as a fellow humorous romance author, I thank you for your positive addition to the genre!

You have some really good stuff here! When Baelfire introduced himself to Simone as "Bae" I legit started laughing out loud. That was a great literary choice. I approve. That said, there are some little things you might want to re-look over. For example, the line where you say: "Yeah, it was that school...where everyone's [parent] is a CEO for something, or... [etc.]." That line is a little awkward and I had to reread it a few times to make sure I understood what you were trying to say, which can really put a hamper on flow for a story.

Well done so far, I look forward to the next installation!

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