Reviews for Origin
Tifanny91 chapter 46 . 2/9/2020
You're really very mean :'( Why did you make Sim save everyone but herself? Now she's gleaching too! Ugh! She can't catch a break!
Anyway I want Bae back! He's been gone for too long. Time to come home!
PurplePiggy chapter 46 . 2/8/2020
I'm sorry if this was explained but why did she do that to herself? Also, thinking maybe she had that reaction because she's in love with Bae? Excited to see what he's been doing!
Jude Blake Gabriel chapter 45 . 2/3/2020
As usual great Chapter. I need Bae back asap. Loving your work more and more.
NonBinaryAceKitten chapter 45 . 2/2/2020
I love the interactions between Simon and Cobra
Tifanny91 chapter 45 . 2/2/2020
Yay! Glad we could help you get those chapters out :)

So Simone finally found a solution to the gleach. Guess we can thank Castor's desperation to get her out of her cave for that. I hope it goes well. Please! She deserves at least one good thing to go well after these hellish months and before the final battle! Battle which, I'm already assuming, may or may not take place at the prom. Oh boy! Shit is gonna go down soon!

PS: I miss Bae! When will he be back :'(
eliseulogy chapter 44 . 2/1/2020
I'm back. And holy god has everything gone downright mad. Stakes are sky high! Baelfire is gone! Ellie tried to drug Simone! Castor is being a dick! I'm also in love with Cobra! Simone is pissed off (not really a change)! Kennedy is ... not evil?

I'm gonna start this off by addressing Ellie. So I kind of understand that she knows absolutely nothing about the situation but! willingly drugging her friend with something some dude gave her? Sus. I get strong arming a friend out of a dangerous situation (in some cases, safety autonomy, if only for a very brief period of time), but using a drug given to her by a rando is not how you do it. Of course, Ellie's fateful meeting with Castor brought a smile to my face and honestly I treasured that moment bcos I can Feel It In My Bones: these next couple of chapters? They're gonna be a shitshow. (In the best possible way, of course.)

Oh what would I give to punch Castor? A lot, that's for damn sure. Yeah, I love him, but he's colossally screwing everything up right now, from BEATING Cobra to trusting Pollux. But you wrote it in a way that fits his character very, very well. That's pretty awesome, even if Castor isn't (well, right now at least). Freaking idiottttt he's so frustrating. I really do hope he gets it together though (I have very little doubt that he will).

Baelfire is MIA, so this will be short, but God his character development is spot on. I know I'm repeating myself, but I truly, truly, truly am impressed with the way you pulled that off. He was SUCH a prick before but now he's all mature and yeah I'm squealing bcos I Love His Character Development.

Simone is literally breaking my heart right now, because it's so clear that she's tearing herself to pieces, between pining (- really not the right word, but the one I'm looking for has escaped me right now) for Baelfire, to being pissed off at Castor, to helping Cobra, to grieving for her parents, to — yeah a multitude of things. She needs such a good hug right now.

Cobra 3 :')))))
He's incredible and I love him. If he dies I'll be so upset.

Anyway I feel like that was shorter than usual; I'll try to check back more often!

Until next time,
Siuzen chapter 44 . 1/20/2020
That was quite silent weeks. Hopefully your holidays were special and you get back on your brilliant way of writing this story real soon.
Thanks for your time!
Xoxo Siuzy
Tifanny91 chapter 44 . 1/19/2020
I don't feel any sympathy for Castor at all, even after Simone told him what's really happening. He just can't be trusted. That's a shame because he's a good person deep down and his intentions are sincere. But someone who doesn't make even the slightest effort to understand his own brother won't comprehend the gravity of the situation. He's like St Thomas like that.
NonBinaryAceKitten chapter 44 . 1/17/2020
Ohh things are getting tense
Love the story can't wait for more
Tifanny91 chapter 43 . 1/12/2020
I'm late on this one too but that's because I was so sick I couldn't even open my mouth :-(

Anyway, things are slowly building up. I must admit that I expected Baelfire to be on the receiving end of Simone's anger, not Castor. But Castor definitely needed to hear the truth, although he still seems incredulous. He made some valid points too. The scene where Elie throws stuff at him was hilarious. I'm sad Bae is gone. He's been hit real hard. My heart hurts just imagining the pain and guilt he feels. Hopefully it'll all get better soon.
Tifanny91 chapter 42 . 1/9/2020
This situation is just complicated. The ensuing conversation will be complicated.
Siuzen chapter 43 . 12/30/2019
Oh wow.
I was away with commenting for a while, but I was always reading chapters quietly. I was like come on, should I say again that her work is amazing and I can't wait for the next chapter? I thought that I will wait a little longer, till the chapter where I will find more words about it.
So here I am.
In this chapter, Sim's and Bae's argument was the spot which I was reading like four times. Because I was able to live it again and again. To feel the rage and anger Simone has felt. To see Baelfire's defeated stare.
You have a gift. You know how to write about emotions that readers could feel. And you know how to show love and passion without shouting out loud 'I love you'.
Great work as always. Can't wait for another chapter but in the same time I don't want it to come. Because more chapters out, the more we get to the end. And I really don't want this to end
So thank you, again, for your work. We are here for you, all of us, quiet readers and commenting ones. Keep your wonderful work. We love you!
Happy Christmas and a Happy New year.
With lots of love,
Siuzen ️
NonBinaryAceKitten chapter 43 . 12/28/2019
Jude Blake Gabriel chapter 41 . 12/16/2019
Loving Bae each and every step of the way. He finally gets to show us what he's made of. Cas is lovely as well but not the wonderful mess that is Baelfire. This story keeps getting better with each chapter. Keep up the wonderful work. You are great at it. I can't wait for your next update.
Tifanny91 chapter 41 . 12/15/2019
Oh gosh! The poor boys have been through hell! But now they're reunited. It's time for all the pieces of the puzzle to come together.

PS: Exams were meh for me. I probably won't fail, but the results will be disappointing for sure :-( Oh well, I tried!
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