Reviews for Origin |
![]() ![]() ![]() Love the story can't wait for more, As always my favourite character is Baelfire cause he is amazing and I kinda identify with him and Simone but don't really trust women. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Can Simone catch a break :'( And what's up with Kennedy? I didn't see that plot twist coming! IDK what to think anymore... |
![]() ![]() ![]() My reviews are one week late bc of exams but here I am. The situation keeps getting worse. Now there's one more person to worry about :-( |
![]() ![]() ![]() I read too fast and I thought Kennedy kissed Simone I was like wtf I was not expecting that author what is this major plot twist I trusted you I love your story, please don’t feel pressured to write fast or well, we will wait for you so take your time and enjoy creating You’re really good at this, whatever you come up with will be great! Kisses from France |
![]() ![]() ![]() very dramatic I cant wait to see what happens next |
![]() ![]() ![]() *Deep sigh* Ah I should have seen that coming. I honestly thought in midway Simone will go to Baelfire's flat and move on with the plot but things have been so hectic that we forgot about our friend...Ellie who, um I have a few words for her. So lemme start. It was that typical Ellie was worried to death about Simone and was pretty much saying what she should do and I personally don't like when...let's be in Simone's shoes. She has been beaten to death and came back alive only to find out that her 7th and Main buddies were Demons and that Venom is her daddy how freaking great? And then here she comes with telling her what to do, at this moment, when I was Simone I would take no shit from Ellie cause she doesn't know any of it lol. But honestly, at that moment where Ellie tried to drug Simone because she was so downright worried, she lost it for me. That's not a friend, I get Simone's been missing times and times again and is acting weird but that doesn't give you a reason to have agent guys, who you barely know and let alone not supposed to trust, trust them and basically drug Simone. Ellie didn't know if the drugs she would use to pour in her cup were deadly drugs like maybe poison or something like that. She could have easily died here and there thanks to Ellie and I add her to the people I don't trust, Castor and Ellie because if Ellie was able to do that with very little information than what's to make her not do it again? See where I'm getting at? Though, of course, this adds a little bit more to Ellie's flaws which is perfectly fine, just it gives us the reviewer something to complain or talk about lol. Also, I love how she basically assumed it was Baelfire..come on that dude never ever hurt her physically, perhaps emotionally but not physically. Also funny thing, I don't know if you know but Bael is actually a Demon Lord from the Nine Kings of Hell and a Demon from the book called Ars Goetia, it's basically a book about the 72 Demons of Hell. So it's pretty contradicting or ironic that he is supposedly the King of Angels even though his name Bael implies something else, maybe there is some foreshadowing...? Eeeh? I bet you didn't see that coming, did ya? And I'm at the opinion that Simone is making a terrible...and I mean a very terrible mistake in trusting Ellie, who was going to basically drug her, to take the flash drive, I mean who's to say that Ellie is that capable of getting it? And didn't Simone told Ellie that she didn't want to involve her into her messed up world for her own safety? So...? Is Simone a hypocrite? Or did she just contradicted herself? I mean, I wouldn't have trusted Ellie with that kind of job because that flash drive may very well be the key to saving every Angel from freaking damnation. I know this review has been a little bit disapproving, so sorry about that. But it's just me stating my option about this, this is your story. You do what you feel like it is right, I'm interested to see your vision unfold with these chapters. It's just me who reacts to them lol. So yeah, like always I'll be waiting for the next chapter and take care, see you around. -DreadNation |
![]() ![]() ![]() Freaking amazing I love the story looking forward to more |
![]() ![]() ![]() Well, Neal is a Demon too. So how is he planning on being together with Ellie in the first place? I mean, for them it is so important to have the cure that Simone supposedly knows about, even though she doesn't have the slightest of ideas. This has been a very interesting turn of events, a lot of plot-twisting that was honestly unexpected while it provided for that shock value I need time to wrap my head around what just happened, how Simone turned half-angel and how she doesn't want to turn into a full one because she knows what can happen and hey, I don't blame her lol. I'm saying half-angel because it makes more sense to call her that way because she got a lil bit of that scarlet thing from Kennedy, but seriously, Simone needs to go to Baelfire and tell him everything. She can leave castor out of it because honestly I'm so suspicious about him I don't trust him. Kennedy was about to murder Simone and Castor was like "I hope you didn't kill Kennedy.." Bitch, who's life is more important? Fuck Kennedy, we don't need here lol. Well, what Simone can do is go to Bae's house, Bae will be there, they talk about all of this and they together find a way to cure these Demons, if it's even possible which I hope. And then, of course,e Bae x Simone will happen. You know I was hoping for this like since day one so don't let me down lol. But I feel like it's time for more explanations because as of now this is very confusing because of the shock value your plot twist has created. Anyway, hope you enjoy this interview and I'll see you around. Take care, -DreadNation |
![]() ![]() ![]() Well, this those shade some new light of the aftermath that has happened because I for once was very confused. So Cobra, one of her training buddies killed her while Bae was after and now everyone believes that Simone is dead... I honestly want to know what Castor and Bae have to say about this, she couldn't have died for them even if it was that much blood. But knowing how stubborn Simone is she won't tell them right away that she lives so Castor and Bae will have freaking panic attacks and guilt trippings because of their inability to be there in time and not fuck up. These demons really remind me of Vampires or Ghouls, like they aren't particularly bad but they just have episodes where they turn bad I suppose but they feel tremendous guilt and pain from it. I really hope there is a cure for them. Anyway, this has been my review. Keep going and see you later! -DreadNation |
![]() ![]() ![]() So the people Simone has been sparing within 7th and Main were freaking DEMONS?! Say what? I knew you were about to do some plot twists but this...? This goes up against anything I have thought will go down and that Venom or now Lucas is Simone's father? WHat? Hold on a minute here... But what's even more shocking is that Simone because of the scarlet she turned into an angel? Well, half-angel because she needs more of that scarlet...but I really find it ironic you know? The scarlet is what makes an Angel but also, in the end, it's something that can only kill angels, makes perfect sense lol..well in a more ironic way. Man, I want some sanity in here. I want to know what Bae is going to think about this. Though it will certainly help with their relationship because she can defend herself if Bae turns into a demon but also from the looks of things there is a way to cure the demons? Well, I like that, bring up some possibilities I want for these two love birds to be together since day 1. Well, that was my review, keep it up and take care. -DreadNation |
![]() ![]() ![]() Wow, this is more than I have expected for an interlude but I really liked this one. I felt like this one took more of an action/thriller style approach more than your average slice of life/romance to it. I thought the scene with Bael and Kennedy was pretty amazing, the intensity and everything could really be felt. At least I felt it spike every time Kennedy was saying things that oddly came out as the truth lol. I liked that we got a break from all of that to get some Bae badass moments and action to see what he truly is capable of. Because I once want to know why he is King, why he was chosen to be King of all Angels, there must be a reason and this interlude makes me want to hungry for more to see once again what Bae can do. The moment where Kennedy revealed that she basically poisoned Simone was shocking. There better be some healing potion thing that can get rid of the scarlet, because Simone has so much more to live for..I mean I'm waiting for that dance between her and Bae...(Captain America reference lol) Anyway, sorry for me disappearing out of the blue. I had a lot of on my hands with school so I couldn't read your chapters because of how exhausted I was. But never fear because I always come back and I will always read them _ Anyway, see you around. -DreadNation |
![]() ![]() ![]() Ok first of all, I apologize for disappearing off the face of the earth since my last long-winded review. Secondly, I followed you on Tumblr! Third of all, hot damn! It's insane the wonderful twists and turns that this story has taken since I last reviewed it. My opinion of Baelfire and Castor hasn't improved a whole lot since then given the current state of things, but it's certainly more nuanced now! My heart also goes out to Simone more than ever because she just can't seem to catch a break, it's so sad to see the cracks beginning to appear in her facade during these past few chapters despite her best efforts to keep it together. There's only so much a person can take, especially without a solid support system to help weather that persistent storm. In this case the closest most consistent thing she has to that is Ellie, and the various Angel factions who also have their own interests to protect. But for all that the various Angels care about Simone, more often than not their secondary motives have hurt her in some way. I'm also very intrigued by the immense amount of character development you've done for Cobra in the past few chapters. He's transformed from a foil to a fleshed out man whose remorse is palpable and whose high regard for Simone is undeniable. As excited as I am for Simone's reunion with Baelfire and Castor, I'm even more curious to see how Cobra's interactions with them go, given his growing closeness to Simone and the fact that he killed her while Glitched. I somehow doubt Baelfire and Castor will be okay with that when/if they find out about it, despite the fact that their absence facilitated Simone's plight. Anyway, sorry to hear you're burned out, but given the ongoing intensity of the past few chapters, and seeing how it doesn't seem to be slowing down any time soon, I can see why you're fatigued. Hope you take some time for yourself and smell the peppermint and enjoy the holiday season these next few weeks :) |
![]() ![]() I’m seriously dying to see the reuniting of baelfire and Simone! |
![]() ![]() Oh my goddddd it has been so long. I can't lie, I just read the past twelve chapters straight through and man have there been developments. I am so, so sorry for not checking in sooner, by the way! 1. Okay, can I talk about Baelfire's character development? Because I truly loathed his guts earlier (it peaked around the coffee shop incident) and wow has he matured. Gotta love the Eros brothers, I suppose. 2. I've definitely said this before, but your style of writing is consistently dynamic and wry and it is really freaking captivating — once it caught my attention, I'm immediately fully invested in literally every character here. 3. hfhuwfyyeuwifhfgejwk EVERYTHING IS FINALLY COMING TOGETHER holy god, it is so satisfying. Finally meeting Cobra without the mask gave me quite a turn, and yet I still was not expecting the entire ensemble from 7th and Main to play such huge roles. Like Lucas Venom? Not in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this. Also I know I already professed love for Castor but you have a crazy hypnotic way of writing certain characters and I gotta say it: Cobra is one of them. 4. Also! The way you describe angels attractive. I can't lie, I was skeptical of ththe whole angel trope, but I'm also incapable of resisting. God, were I ever in Simone's situation, I would most definitely be responsible for the creation of a few glitches. Hell yeah am I fucking around with angels. Bless Simone and her superhuman self-control. 5. Thank god for Simone's voice of Common Sense; she stays incredibly levelheaded throughout the story which I find super commendable. Again, a lot of OCs on sites like these tend towards the whiny side, so Simone's (unhealthy!) stoicism as a flaw is so refreshing and really fleshes out her character, especially given that she is so fiercely independent. Of course, as another reviewer mentioned earlier, this makes it super poignant whenever she DOES get emotional — and those scenes somehow avoid being over-the-top. So yeah I love Simone :)) 6. Man, Keneddy is a colossal bitch. 7. You know how I said Ellie is gonna be evil? Dude, now that she is MISSING during the action and also that there is a mysterious authority figure issuing orders...let's just say that I'm on tenterhooks. Also that she was dating a glitched angel? 8. Another Cobra fan paragraph because I Love Him and he Deserves It. God he needs a hug. The last couple of paragraphs about Cobra offering himself to be shot if he glitches made my heart hurt so badly. Also Sandra can fuck off! Who gives a shit if his suit did come from Sears? Simone's right — better off a staff member than a colossal bitch Yikes it is 5:32 am and I need to sleep. I'll probably finish this in the morning — thank you so much for writing and reading through this giant list! Bye, Eliseulogy |
![]() ![]() ![]() Honestly this chapter made me sad :') Until now, the only image of gleaching Angels we had was that of hopeless demons. But in fact, they're just helpless prisoners of their misery. I can totally understand what Cobra feels. Who would like that? I hope Simone can save them. But I'm also scared for her. She's literally in-between the two worlds and vulnerable. I know that's her choice but, sigh! And Baelfire and Castor must be worried to death! I hope they'll be reunited soon. It won't be long before the initiative find out Simone is still alive. They have to protect her. |