Reviews for The Bad Boy Is My Babysitter
PassionateStylus chapter 4 . 5/17/2017
I'm kind of disappointed that you haven't updated the story in a while, but my track record doesn't exactly leave me room to blame either. I like where the story is going and would love to see you continue it when you have the chance. I've already begun speculating on what is in the basement, and how the interaction between Luca and Claudia is going to play out.

That first chapter was a little confusing though, maybe because I don't know what the acronym stands for. I'm still not completely sure if it was switching points of view, points in time, or both. And if it was moving in time, which direction?

I guess I'm saying that with a little more clarity on the first chapter, your story could become a lot more promising. More than it already is, that is.

Anyways, I'll follow this story for now. Hope you start updating again soon.
VictoriaRose0013 chapter 4 . 9/8/2016
Suspenseful... Please update soon!
Mrs. Awesomesauceness chapter 4 . 5/27/2016
Hope more chapters are coming soon.
Sarah chapter 4 . 5/17/2016
Hello! I'm new here.
First of all, fuck you. I hate cliffhangers (even though I love them at the same time)
Furthermore, fantastic story, please update soon! Keep up the good work! 3
DeathRules chapter 4 . 5/16/2016
Oh, geez! What is in the basement?
WindSongEnchantment chapter 1 . 5/16/2016
oooooo what is in the basement? got me curious!
VictoriaRose0013 chapter 3 . 4/28/2016
Love your colorful adjectives. And I have to say that so far the cousin who seems to
“get away with everything” by far is my favorite character.:) Can't wait for more.
WindSongEnchantment chapter 3 . 4/28/2016
Yay! Can't wait for more!
WindSongEnchantment chapter 2 . 4/14/2016
Please continue!
LostCriesofTime chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
Oooooh what a cool story. I love your main character, she's realistic and sympathetic. I can't wait to meet the "hot guy" and see how Nerissa reacts :P
I really like your writing style, its great. I can't wait to read more :D
Angel Princess 31 chapter 1 . 3/21/2016
Cute story so far! I totally agree with her about books! There is nothing quite as amazing as they are :)