Reviews for Leika
Guest chapter 25 . 6/12/2018
Just read this after reading Vhanaiel, another fantastic story. Sad to see the end of them. They are the best stories i have read for a long time x
Guest chapter 25 . 1/26/2018
This novel was intense. I somewhat expected from the summary, which was what drew me to it, but it was even more captivating than I expected. Kept me on the edge of my seat. I am so looking forward to the sequel. Awesome Job!
esde chapter 24 . 10/13/2017
I love you so much. Brilliant from beginning to the end.
esde chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
I love your story. I've been reading it all the time the past few days. Cant express how much I appreciate your writing.
Guest chapter 11 . 10/11/2017
The best story I've read in a very long time
Guest chapter 25 . 10/7/2017
Ok but the parallel of them meeting again in the library killed me! this was such a good read. i remember trying to read this after i finish black marion, becausw i know youre a good writer 3 but i remember just being thrown off by first person and just giving up after maybe four chapters... so glad i decided to come back to leika. everyone won my hearts.. i cried and laughed and was immersed in this story :-) very excited to start on the sequel now! thank god everythings already posted or id have died waiting haha
Mikealfaxray chapter 25 . 6/12/2017
A bittersweet ending. I kept hoping Anstas would somehow become immortal, to become a sorcerer, but I knew it was not possible. And I don't know how I feel about Halviore to be honest. He's certainly a complex character...

This was an absolutely beautiful story. It was complex, with plot lines that flowed easily from one to the next. The writing was exquisite, enthralling. The lore you created, or expanded on, was intriguing and meticulously detailed to just the perfect extent. Some sentences especially early on were difficult to read, and I don't know if I got better a reading your elaborate sentences or they got better. Regardless, it wasn't something that took away from the story.

I'm sad that it's over. I'll need to start on the next novel asap.
owlzers chapter 21 . 4/10/2017
In the vague hope that you're still active here, I'd like to say that I'm enjoying the story immensely so far! I'm a new reader, though the story has been up for quite awhile at this point.

I'm also curious if the translations have been posted anywhere? I started wondering about it the first time the demon language appeared, and even read through the other comments in the hopes of finding an answer... xD;

Personally, I think it would make the experience better to at least have the option to read them at the end (if our narrator in 1st person POV understands it, it makes sense that we do as well. I feel like the 3rd wheel left out of an inside joke whenever it crops up.. _ )
TriploblasticSkies chapter 25 . 1/6/2017
Because I couldn't wait with Sasha on my mind all the time... I knew that this must be a precious gem. Leika is hard not to fall for. And it pains me that well, humans are mortal. More, that Leika isn't a human. But they're together, and their ending in chapter 24 was perfect. The writing does seem a little from Black Marion, but only the kind; not the degree of quality. It's beautiful. Damn. And now I will have to return to school and a world with no magic. How boring. Huh.

I maintain this: stumbling upon your work is like a new year's gift. Thank you so, so much. I wish I could someday love with the same intensity as these characters do. How cheesy I am! But yeah, good job.
Guest chapter 25 . 11/12/2016
Love the story from beginning to end!
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 25 . 9/16/2016
This story will stay with me forever and a day. The characters are in my heart as real as you and I. You have a gift for writing, the words flow from you, painting a story rich in fantasy and deeply moving. Words aren't enough, but bravo. I look forward reading all m/m stories you may come up with.
R. Ficst chapter 25 . 9/14/2016
Great work, and I look forward to anything else you write with this universe you've created. Thank you so much for sharing.
R. Ficst chapter 4 . 9/14/2016
Hahaha! Love it. The accidental flirting, owning up to it and asking how it is received, and Leika's excellent response. :)
shirei chapter 24 . 8/24/2016
I'm disappointed. I didn't feel satisfied at all. I'm not sure how killing half a country could possibly be forgiven. And I feel like Anstas was just a placeholder for Hal. It was such an epic love story and the last chapter just made me feel like I wasted my time. Leika pretty much disgusted me. But your prose was very prettily constructed, so while the story wasn't really constructed for proper reader satisfaction, I find no fault with your technical skill.
Collins-A chapter 24 . 8/19/2016
Wow. Just wow. This is probably one of the most well-written stories on FP to date. I was pulled into this world you created from the first chapter - and I seriously usually don't go for fantasy novels because I find it rare to find one well-written, cohesive, and full of history and background that makes sense. The only thing I didn't like - and this isn't on you - was that Hal and Leika are still going to end up together. I'm going to pretend, for my own selfishness, that Leika found a way to make Anstas immortal so they could live out their days forever, together. Hal and Sharle are okay with this, eventually because Leika still loves them, just not like he loves An. Yep, Leika and Anstas Forever.
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